Sometimes when this happens to me the pain is so intense and hurts so bad nothing, nothing can even come close to describing it. One thing I've always found to be true is that it does pass or go away for awhile or at least reduce in its ferousious intensity.
Some things to keep in mind:
sometimes these experiences are like having a flashback, they seem so real. it's like allowing the feelings to happen consciencely for the first time since the trauma happened. it is actually a healing process the brain does to express itself and let the pain go finally - in many cases, for the first time.
when we were being abused we often couldn't handle the overwhelming pain and emotional shock of the trauma, so it got buried, but not forgotten by our brains. letting it out now is the only way to start/continue the healing process.
as bad as it hurts, it is 'only' a feeling. one hell of mf'ing train wreck of feeling but is different from actually being a boy/young man in the midst of being sexually or otherwise abused. in other words, as children we couldn't deal with it all, as adults we are better able to cope with and make sense of it. (did i write that last sentence? maybe i'm better able to cope with the feelings, but making sense of it all... my jury is still out).
for me, at first when the gut wrentching 'i wanna die' pain and tears came, if i hadn't had people or in most cases a trained T with me, it would have been really dangerous. now, the only place i really let the pain out is with my T, it's the only truly safe avenue i have to do it in.
if it gets really bad, where it won't stop, call your T, your doc, local crisis line.
it just hurts so much inside......i just cannot control it or bear it....how do i make it STOP????????????......without committing suicide
you CAN bear it. it just doesn't seem like you can right now. here are some fundemental truths imho: survivors of sexual and other abuses are immensely strong people, we have to be to have made to where we are now in life. we've made it this far, why give up now when the going gets rough? my T tells me and sometimes i hate him for it and wonder wtf i'm doing, that it'll get worse before it gets better. he's 110% convinced if i do my work i will get better, feel better and be able to live a better life. oh boy, trust and faith... in moments of dispair this place is a lifeline for me, if others can make it, then maybe i can too.
tears are good, they flush all sorts of garbage, physical and emotional, out of the body.
does it end? beats hell out of me. does it get easier dealing with the pain? yeah, for me it has.
wierd pararrel for us dude. my last pdoc meeting messed me up too. i only see him for med maintenance but he was like laying a guilt trip on me for asking for a medical leave from work, and for not being more functional. the bastard. i guess the almighty medical docs are human beings too, and have bad days eh?
hugs bro.