Please Help Me With Research

Please Help Me With Research


I need help doing some research. I have been trying to compile articles and studies done by expert professional psychiatrists and psychologists concerning how people act, react, feel, and think after being sexually assaulted. Plus the profiles of the offenders. I have found a few things, but I want to have copies of detailed professional studies. I have found through reading them that my experience is quite common. Also, I have found that my assaulter matches profiles perfectly. I want to compile as much solid proof as I can to back up what I am talking about when I go to an attorney and to the authorities. I am not very good at articulating, so I think that I am going to need things to reference to solidify what I am talking about. Plus, I have been informed that due to my personal situation involving the assault, I can expect to run into extra problems when talking with the authorities.

Thank you all for your help.
don't know if you have access, but what i suggest you do is go to the closest area college/university snd do a search for keywords. check out the psychology indexing as well as sociological indexes. you might also want to look iinto the law articles, though that is where i am sketchy. i suggest the post-secondary libraries as opposed to public ones and high scool libraries because post-secondary has better access to research databases. this stuff is all online, but for genuine research databases you have to have subscriptions to the services. these are different from yahoo and similar search engines. ask at the research desk for assistance if you hit a snag. otherwise feel free to pm me if you have specific questions on methods or keyword suggestions. if you give me some info via pm i might be able to look some stuff up since i have access to the online research engines. take care.
I do have access. I started going to night school a couple of semesters ago. Our school library is not very good, but I know that it allows access to some other schools libraries and on-line stuff. I'll check into what I actually have available.

What would be great is if I could get some names of people who have written articles. I've been reading the articles that are linked off of this site, plus other sites, and I'm not finding much about what I am looking for. Right now, I am not comfortable doing the research at school. Maybe that will change when I get a new laptop and connect to their wireless network. At least that way, everything will mostly be on my computer.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Does anybody have any information? Specifically I am looking to research women who sexually assault men and everything involved in it.
You may or may not find what you are looking for in the following resources. Some of these were from my research paper I did in massage school which of course focused on massage and survivors. However, I think some of these sources had information that you are looking for (I just can't remember now which ones). So here they are and hopefully it will help or lead you to the place you need to go. I've found google is a great place to search and find stuff on the internet. Also I have an article by Williiam C Holmes on the Sexual Abuse of Boys. It was more to do with the frequency of abuse but was from the JAMA, Dec 2, 1998 issue.

Ok here are the sources I used for my paper: (hopefully the format doesn't make this too hard to read).

1. National Domestic Violence Hotline
Http:// - National Statistics

2. Beyond Surviving
A Safety Program toward a movement to prevent child sexual abuse
MS Foundation for Women, Gillian Murphy. Pg 3

3. Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions about PTSD

4. Compassionate Touch
Dr. Clyde W. Ford North Atlantic Books 1993, 1999

5. University Of Washingtion Medical School (Webpage)
Author: Jean Schuna, MiT, LMP
Article: Massage and Bodywork with Survivors of Torture

6. The Hakomi Institute (Webpage)
Article: What Is Radix?

7. Touch Research Institute
University of Miami School of Medicine
Miami, FL.
Dr Tiffany Field, PhD.
Study: Effects of sexual abuse are lessened by massage therapy

1. In Terrors Grip: Healing the Ravages of Trauma
Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, M.D. Harvard Medical School, HRI Trauma Center,
227 Babcock Street, Boston, MA. 02146
2. Compassionate Touch
Dr. Clyde W. Ford. North Atlantic Books 1993, 1999
3. Mere China Medicine
Article: Scientists study effects of acupuncture on brain activity
Article: The Limbic System
5. Career at your
Article: Massage With Survivors Of Abuse
6. University Of Washingtion Medical School
Author: Jean Schuna, MiT, LMP
Article: Massage and Bodywork with Survivors of Torture
7. The Hakomi Institute
Article: About Hakomi
8. The Radix Institute
Article: About Hakomi
9. The Radix Institute
Article: About Hakomi
10. Rosen Method Bodywork
Article: Awakening Awareness through Touch
11. Sacred Touch
Article: Sacred Touch
12. Thought Field Therapy
Article: Callahan Techniques
13. Reiki
14. Touch Research Institute
15. Male
16. Voices In
Thank you. I will look at them all. good- check it out

hope this helps




Learn of Your Areas Resources. Browse the Victim Assistance & Compensation Programs, or Ask OVC.

See also: Related Publications.

For information on rights and services provided to victims of sexual assault and rape, contact the following organizations:

AARDVARC is an Abuse, Rape & Domestic Violence Aid & Resource Collection Web site, which provides links to the stalking laws in all 50 states and other information about stalking.

Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence
The Center provides training and consultation to religious communities on issues of sexual abuse and domestic violence.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
This information and research clearinghouse also offers direct victim services and training to sexual assault providers at the national, state, and community levels.
Promote Truth provides support and information about sexual violence issues
for teens and their communities. Their Web site offers information and
online services, including anonymous use of message boards for targeted
audiences: teens, parents, teachers, and other professionals.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
RAINN operates a 24-hour hotline for victims of sexual assault. Callers are connected automatically to their local rape crisis center for counseling. More than 800 centers participate in the network.

Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center (RTC)
The RTC provides comprehensive treatment for victims of sexual assault, including emergency medical care and forensic exams, counseling, and advocacy; training for providers of rape victim services; and prevention/education programs and publications.

Witness Justice
Witness Justice provides trauma victims and their loved ones with resources that promote physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. The site features access to experts, message boards, and other print and electronic victim resources.

good luck

this is a good one, mike

To all:

Probably the most exhaustive bibliography of professional articles on male sexual victimization is right here on this web site. We have two of them, one oriented to survivors (items that are intended for the layman) and one to professionals, including journal articles and books. Go to the home page and look under Survivors and Clinicians, respectively. Also look at Jim Hopper's web site. I believe it is on the links page.

I hope this helps.

Richard Gartner
Past President