physical and mental healths together? (maybe is small trigger)
I have some health problems for some months. I know that some, they are some my fault, or part, because I sometime do not eat, or throw up what I do eat. I know that, and most of time, I try not to do that. But there been other things, I do not know that it is because of my fault. There been some more emotions and stress for few months also. Few people have tell me they think maybe some the health things, they are from stress. But can stress cause so much things physicaly? I just do not know that, that it can cause so much things? I am going to see doctor next week, even though I do not like it and do not want to. I am not sure. I think I am questioning here, but I do not know what is the question. I do not know what I am asking. I am just nervous some I think, of what is maybe wrong. I been thinking it is just nothing, silly things, for some times now, and then my head, it just to being scared and thinking is bad things now. But I am trying not to do that.
I am sorry this don't make so much sense, I am rather tired some.
I am sorry this don't make so much sense, I am rather tired some.