physical and mental healths together? (maybe is small trigger)

physical and mental healths together? (maybe is small trigger)


I have some health problems for some months. I know that some, they are some my fault, or part, because I sometime do not eat, or throw up what I do eat. I know that, and most of time, I try not to do that. But there been other things, I do not know that it is because of my fault. There been some more emotions and stress for few months also. Few people have tell me they think maybe some the health things, they are from stress. But can stress cause so much things physicaly? I just do not know that, that it can cause so much things? I am going to see doctor next week, even though I do not like it and do not want to. I am not sure. I think I am questioning here, but I do not know what is the question. I do not know what I am asking. I am just nervous some I think, of what is maybe wrong. I been thinking it is just nothing, silly things, for some times now, and then my head, it just to being scared and thinking is bad things now. But I am trying not to do that.

I am sorry this don't make so much sense, I am rather tired some.

Why do you throw up when you eat?
If you cant keep food down, thats not good. Hope you can get it figured out.

My young friend, you must take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. Stress indeed can cause many physical problems. Lack of sleep can cause many physical and mental problems. You are wise, though, to have a physician check you over. Please take care of yourself! Try to relax some and enjoy yourself.
Andrei, our minds can either help us get well when it would have seemed impossible. But, they mind can also very intensely impact our bodies. The effect of the mind on the body is the subject of a number of books and studies.

When we can't eat, or can't sleep, then it is time to get checked out by a physician to rule out various things.

Remember Andrei, most of us here were brutally assaulted and sometimes assaulted many times. We were traumatized. When that happens there are consequences. You are most likel;y experiencing some of those consequences.

The more we know and understand about trauma, the better we can neautralise some of it's effects on us.

On our links page, I believe, there is a link to David Baldwins Trauma Pages--this has good material. Web MD does as well.

Good luck, don't work too hard. Enjoy all that you can.

Andrei my friend,

Let me give you my own personal example of just how much your emmotional mood can effect your physical being...

a bit over 2 years ago I was going through some very rough times (just really starting in to dealing with my past) - my stress level was really high - could'nt seem to sleep, could'nt concentrate, body acheing all the time (even more than normal from the Muscular Dystrophy), even effected my eating habits - but the thing that sent me to the doc was when my blood pressure started going up close to 200 over 150 (that's a heart attack waiting to happen)- so they would'nt let me leave, put me in a bed and gave me some pills that knocked me out - they said that my blood pressure while sleeping fell back to 80 over 60 - within a few hours of wakeing it was on the rise again - after much discussion with my doctor we came to the understanding that my blood pressure swings are all linked to the level of stress from trying to hold too much emmotional crap inside of myself - within a week of venting all of the frustration built up inside of me (mostly to friends) my blood pressure was back down to under 120 over 80... (without the help of my doctor I was on a sure path to haveing a heart attack before the age of 32) - Hope this helps you to be able to see that emmotions can indeed have a very large effect on the physical body...

It is good that you are going to see your doctor next week - I hope that he will be able to help you as much as mine has helped me...

You need to be able to sleep peacefully my friend - don't hold so much inside of you - if you need me I'm only a PM away...

Take care,

TJ jeff
My friend, I am very glad you are addressing the health issues. I know that you are still quite triggered by doctors and medical things, which makes me doubly proud of you for taking care of this.

I think it is quite true, that much of our health is intertwined, mental and physical. Increased stress, whether it is emotional or physical, increases the amount of adrenaline in our bodies, and that is something that is meant to be used as energy in emergencies or simple, single situations. Not something that should be running around in our bodies for days, weeks and months at a time. When our body systems are on 'overtime' as such, it can wear us down, using up the body chemicals we need to be balanced. If those become unbalanced, so do we, either physically or mentally. So increased levels of stress over longer periods of time, can cause us physical illnesses. You have been under a lot of stress, in recent months, and really this whole year. It is not surprising that there is physical affects of it.

Please do try to do what you can to maintain your health until you do see your doctor.

Andrei you said:

˝I know that some (health problems), they are some my fault, or part, because I sometime do not eat, or throw up what I do eat.˝

I think that this cannot be your fault and that you need to realize that you mustn't blame yourself for it. On that way you would avoid pushing yourself deeper in negative territory. Eating problems are not so simple. They sometimes have very deep and complex causes.
Sometimes I too have problems with food, especially when I am on huge pressure. In such cases I cannot take the smell of food and want to throw out any food that I put in mouth.
Sometimes this anxiety and disgust with food lasts few days and I usually quickly loose couple of kilograms because I stop to eat.

I do not know how often do you have eating problems but you should be very careful with it. Please control your weight regularly, it could help you to find out what weight is optimal for your age and body construction.

Especially be careful if you notice that you are quickly loosing weight and feel physically weak and tired for longer period.

It is good thing to seriously check this with your doc; I think that is also very important to mention that you are a CSA survivor.
