
This is the list so far of phsical ailments that affect many of us, have a read through and add a post of you think's missing, check the explanations are correct - or ask for an explanation if you think it needs one.

I'll put it into a poll when the list looks complete.


Sleep disorders, Aponea,

Narcolepsy (sleep disorder)

Cataplexy (sleep disorder effected greatly by emotional state as well as physical)

Restless Leg Syndrome (sleep disorder)

Hypnogogic Hallucinations (related to sleep disorders)

Heart disease,

Vascular Disease

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Peripheral artery disease

Cerebral artery disease

Diabetes, Diabetes type 2



Chronic fatigue syndrome,

Inability to concentrate - easily tired

Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction Temporal headaches, bruxism ( pain in the Temporal Mandibular Joint largely due to some form of stress in the individuals life. - grinding of one's teeth )

Dental problems directly related to starvation as child (i.e. easily broken teeth, lack of dental hygeine while young )

Migranous Neuralgia ( aka Hortons neuralgia / cluster headaches / easter headaches )


P.T.S.D. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Eating disorders (ie - self starvation , binge eating )



Addiction to alcohol

Addictions to Sex, sexual compulsions

Addiction to Food.

Addiction to narcotics - heroin and other.

Addiction to prescribed drugs

Addiction to violence

Addition to tobacco, caffiene and other comforts

Bicycle substance addiction / abuse (That is to say, you never stick with one substance. Cigs, drugs, sex, alchohol etc.)

Spend impulsively

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


Severe Clinical Depression

Panic Attacks

Anxiety disorder / attacks

Manic behaviors

Personality disorder ie. Very Passive Aggressive personality

TMD ( can someone expand on this please ? )

Degenerative Arthritis

Muscle & joint problems directly resulting from beatings as a child

Any permanent physical damage from sexual abuse / beating. ( crushed testicles, scarring, etc )


Sexualy transmitted diseases ie. Syphillis. Gonorrhea. NGU. Staphlococcus Aureus

Physical self-abuse - Self harming -cutting and burning etc.
TMD: Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction ???


To regular PTSD you could add Complex PTSD, which I have all the symptoms of tho an official dx by the medical community is still in the works.

CPTSD symptoms:

1) Alteration in regulation of afect (emotion) and impulses such as chronic affect dysregulation which means "your emotions have a life of their own."
2) Alterations in attention or consciousness like depersonalization and transient dissociative episodes aka "zoning out".
3) Somatization in which your body holds the
trauma, like chronic pain, digestive problems, cardiopulmonary problems, and conversion symptoms in which psychological problems get converted into physical symptoms.
4) Alterations in self-perception, like feeling you are permanently damaged & minimizing the importance of the traumatic events in your life.
5) Possible alterations in your perception of the perpetrator--idealizing, obsessing with hurting him/her/them, or adoptng the distorted beliefs of the perp about yourself, others & what happened as true.
6) Alterations in relations with others: inability to trust, revictimizing yourself, victimizing others.
7) Alterations in systems of meaning (how you see life, others & spirituality); i.e. hopelessness, despair, and loss of beliefs that previously sustained you.

"If you have experienced prolonged, repeated, extensive exposure to traumatic events, you may be suffering from a disorder that has not yet been
named in the DSM-IV..."

"Persons who may suffer from complex PTSD include prisoners of war, hostages who were held captive for long periods of time, concentration camp survivors, war zone survivors, cult survivors, battering victims, domestic violence survivors, sexual abuse survivors, and children who have suffered other types of trauma."

"You are more likely to experience symptoms of complex PTSD if your traumatization occurred early
in your life, was prolonged, and was interpersonal."

(from the PTSD Workbook, pp 11-13).

Sorry for the long explanation, but Complex PTSD is a bit complex to explain. :rolleyes:

I hope no young survivors readingn this think there going to catch all of these. You know you are only allowed one from column a and two from column B.
To be serious I bet each of us has som kind of physical scar that might indicate abuse.
Doctors though can be pretty dense some times and miss the obvious.

When I was 17 the following occured.
DOCTOR= How come you have no hair below your sock line?
ME= Because I did not take my socks off or wash my body for at least a year to keep my grandfather
away from me.
Doctor=hahaha thats very funny. Really how did it happen?
ME= burned in a fire.
Doctor=I see.

Unbelievable! But I sure believe it. :(

That doctor wasn't just dense he was brain dead!

good point, if anyone stumbles across the list PLEASE don't think all those are compulsory ;)

Also many of them also affect non survivors, but survivors believe that the physical problems associated with something like 'migraine' could have been made worse by the stress of dealing with SA.

There's no way it'll be anything like accurate or scientific at all, but what I hope is that it'll stimulate discussion about some of the other problems we face and ease them as well.

This Survivor has at least 13 out of the list and one more to add:

Spinal cord permanent damage

Well i am glad to know that i am not alone when it comes to this list.

Bart Wolf,
Narcolepsy (sleep disorder)

Cataplexy (sleep disorder effected greatly by emotional state as well as physical)

Hypnogogic Hallucinations (related to sleep disorders)
What are these, specifically? What are the symptoms?


Dave you got my # 1 on your list
crushed testicles,
After living with the pain for 40 years I finaly talked with a doctor about it this year.I never dealt with the abuse so I never told the doc about my pain. I got some Celebrex I take when the pain faires up now. I also have sleep disorder but what kind I don,t know. Muldoon

We could add SIS--Shaken Infant Syndrome--to the list.

Recently I have been having more vivid & specific body & other memories in my neck, shoulders & lower back area ok arse area :eek: . These confirm
earlier bits & pieces I've picked up thru the years about how my father used to shake me very violently as a small infant, until my head would snap back and my back would be bent the wrong way.

No wonder I've had such "growing pains" virtually all my life! :rolleyes: No wonder my trauma has settled into my body particularly in those areas, and even more so as it has been exacerbated by work & auto accidents thru the years.

I become more convinced this is what caused my younger brothers' "retardation" and ended up bringing him to an early untimely death.
:( :mad:

You could also add the sharp pains I sometimes get in my *nus that for some stupid reason aka major denial & dissociation I am only just now identifying the now so obvious cause of... :o

Don't know what you would call it...

...pains in the arse I guess?

We'll keep this going for another week or so and then I'll try to poll it.

Joe, & Victor & guize,
Hi wanted to give a brief explanation for Joe i.e. the sleep disorder ?'s.
Narcolepsy is classically known as the "sleeping disease" most commonly seen as comical of someone who falls asleep @ the most inappropriate times. It is more complex than that, but in short the brain does not complete the 5 stages of sleep it needs to go thru. Generally the REM stage (dream stage) is the one interrupted but you can find good solid more info @
Cataplexy - is also explained in there -- very simply the brain "misfires" into the REM stage of sleep even tho the person is awake, it can & does effect body parts or the whole body -- during the REM stage of sleep the body is "paralyzed" so as not to act out the dreams. Cataplectic episodes can effect only parts of the body or the whole body, yet the person is aware of their surroundings etc. during these episodes. Each person has their own personal cataplexic "triggers".
Hypnogogic Hallucinations - are a little harder to explain, but again vary on the person like the other sleep disorders, in general tho the hallucinations can be visual or auditory normally occurring just before falling asleep or just prior to waking from sleep. In general what I know of these for most folks who experience them they are very frightening and the person who experiences them feel as if they are awake, really happening & often part of them.
For me my own experiences with HH are mostly auditory hearing train whistles that are not there, car horns or even conversations that I respond to (yes my family thot I was just talking in my sleep mostly).
Hey Victor -- you mentioned pain in the arse?.... and someone posted something about scar tissue.... I wonder if Sciatica pain is a direct result of abuse too?
Will post later my experience of being part of a complex patient study for students in Physical Therapy program -- have good days all, Wifey1
I always considered my migrains a fact of life, not really a symptom, though i would have to agree the extra stress i put myself under would make those more frequent i suppose.

dont sleep well. wake up every hour or so, and never feel rested and fresh. my wife complains that i never feel good, and she's right. i am always tired.

my biggest battle has always been sexual complusion. i have made great strides in controlling my body, but boy the mind still runs all over the place.

fortunately my abuser was gentle with me, and i dont have the physical scars and damager. i try not to meassure abuse, but reading some of your stories, i feel like i had it easy.

Thanks for the information. I don't think any of those are on my list, but the web site is informative.

Occasionally, just as I am on the edge of falling asleep, something "startles" me. Then I gasp and kind of go rigid, suddenly extending my arms and legs all the way. It freaks out my wife.

I can never remember what brought it on, what image or thought or sensation "startled" me. This doesn't happen all the time, and has reduced in the last couple weeks, but still happens sometimes. Once last night.

The descriptions of HH sound like the person is caught up in it, and feels it as something real. I don't even remember what it is by the split second later that I'm reacting. If that sounds like something anyone can name, I'd like to know the name.


I believe my spouse has many of those listed above, only I would like to add this:

Addiction to exercise.

But this helps relieve tension and stress, so it is a good thing.

Peace to all-
Let Me Add:
  • spinal damage from meningitis
  • overheat from any aerobic exercise due to Hypothermia and multiple bouts of heat exhaustion
  • chronic diarhea
Hey Victor -- you mentioned pain in the arse?.... and someone posted something about scar tissue.... I wonder if Sciatica pain is a direct result of abuse too?

Will post later my experience of being part of a complex patient study for students in Physical Therapy program -- have good days all, Wifey1
Wifey1, I'm no doctor-but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. :D OK got that outta my system...

My suspicion & my experience is that pain anywhere
could be a direct result of abuse.

Look forward to hearing about your experience as a guineau pig, Wifey! ;) Hope they treat you good!

i try not to meassure abuse, but reading some of your stories, i feel like i had it easy.
Jeff, you're right there's no way this crap can be measured; it defies measurement. It sure wasn't
& isn't easy on you or any of us.

Sorry about the migraines. I had those for about a year a couple of years ago, seemingly almost for the whole year, around the time I started recovering abuse memories & into recovery. None since except occasional twinges so far...

Take care.

Occasionally, just as I am on the edge of falling asleep, something "startles" me. Then I gasp and kind of go rigid, suddenly extending my arms and legs all the way.
Joe I do this even when wide awake, of course I have chronic fatigue anyway. But this seems to for me relate to a hyperactive startle response mechanism. Perhaps there is a particular reason you might have such a response as you are falling asleep, that somehow relates to your CSA?

Just a thot. Hope you can get it cleared up, bro.

Let Me Add:
spinal damage from meningitis
overheat from any aerobic exercise due to Hypothermia and multiple bouts of heat exhaustion
chronic diarhea
Damn Edwin I didn't know you had meningitis. Sorry man. Wonder what crap abuse can't do to us?! :mad:

I have only occasional bouts of chronic diarrhea due mostly I think to the IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and the related acid reflux. I'm glad they're only occasional... :rolleyes:

Heat & humidity wipe me out due to my fibro sometimes, but no hypothermia.

When I was in basic training in the Air Force (USA), I once got so dehydrated I got the dry heaves. They had to hospitalize me & pump liquids into me for three days.

Damn it if I'm gonna heave I want some results!

Ahh that's better...

Feel better, Edwin.

Sorry about the sick sense of humor, everyone. That's kinda where I'm at right now.

OK maybe not just right now... :p :)

My sis works in a major medical facility on Narcolepsy research so I asked her for her take on it - she replied:

Many people with Narcolepsy have disturbed nighttime sleep. The usual 90 minute cycling of sleep stages is disrupted. They are likely to go into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep much sooner than people without the disease. REM intrudes into their daytime naps, as well. Cataplexy is also thought to be another REM related symptom because some of the same physiologic events happen in cataplexy. They are both characterized by a loss of muscle tone. Recently studies have shown that abnormalities in the hypocretin (or orexin) neurotransmission system are associated with narcolepsy.