Photographs maybe t

Photographs maybe t


I don't have so many photographs of me, but I remember my sister taking all the photographs, and leaving me with nothing to remember.

I don't know why she did it, but I got a shock, when I asked her to return a photo, which was the only real one where the family where together as one.

The eerie thing is, that she had cut me out of the photo, and returned it to me, just like she thought I did't exist, but this is it.

It is like my life never really did exist, maybe it is just a dream? I sometimes wish it was just a dream. I so much wish I could explain to her the hurt, but she hurt me so much by cutting me ou t of the photograph.

maybe it was because, I really wanted this photo of how life should have been, but she took my memories away, it was of a time when the family eas together, and it is as if she blames me for the breakdown of the family.

It just says to me how family cna be in so; m;uch denial as to do these things, and not see the hurt, but why? She still treats me as a child, she doesn't even realise the hurt.

To do that though, was teh most hurtful thing I can remember

M aybe it's all my fault?

dont know

I just can't imagine how you feel about this, it seems such a deliberate attempt to drag you down further.

Maybe you have some other relatives that might have old pictures stuffed in old shoe boxes?

Ste, that is something that ranks in my top ten of cruelist things ever done to a person. It is clear that she has a problem. So I do not think it good for you to begin to think any of this is your fault.

You have been harmed enough--you might, just might want to copy the parts of our web site like What is SA and the Ten Myths and mail them to her. She may be ignorant of the amount of men harmed as boys and the depth of the harm done. But then, having cut that picture, I am not sure she could understand any of it.

I'm sorry this happened and your hurt comes through. We are a good group to share those hurts with--you are a part of a special group of men who are determined to help each other, and equallly determined to stop this damnable violation of boys.


I am so sorry that she did that to you - it proves that she is a very disfunctional person

Know that you are not to blame - children do not tear families apart - that is a choice that grownups make - it is NEVER the childs fault - that your sister blames you is her problem (not yours) - you cannot change her - I would not even waste my effort trying - just know that YOU are NOT to blame for what happened in the family - take care of YOU and let her go her own way...

I am in great hopes that somehow, in some way, that another picture of the family will come to you somehow through another relative...

TJ jeff
It never ceases to amaze me that some people treat their own flesh and blood in ways they would never treat a stranger, or a dog.

It is often the case that the violations get worse as these people get older. They're bullies, they hold grudges for decades, and they twist the facts to suit their own egos.

I'd avoid this person if I could. If you have to deal with her, then let her know what you think of this. Demand an explanation.

The worst thing to do is to let anything go by. Tell her off, tell her to go to hell, tell her she sucks.

If you let it go by, she will think of you as a doormat, or less.

If you let it go by, she will eventually believe it never happened, or it didn't matter, or it's just "OLD NEWS", and "Why the hell didn't YOU say something when it happened?"

Oh, and she treats you like a child because emotionally she is a child, and probably has no idea how adults behave.
I think you have gotten some very good insight and advice here. I would agree, that she herself is very childish. I would add, perhaps you need to limit your communication with her more? She causes you pain, and you do not deserve more of that. I think part of self protection is purposely avoiding people who cause us pain. Try to protect yourself, and realize that her actions are about HER, not you. She is, I think, an immature idiot.
