personal power and self realization

personal power and self realization


i was thinking about abusers

i was very upset -
literally getting sick in the toilet - as i do -

but then - i got to work as i need to do-
i got to work looking for a job -

i started to trust my interpretation of
what i encountered

i honored the advice i was given as true and a good thing - but then adding it to the context i now was in - i knew the context created a
nonapplicable scenario -

i decided to leave go home and reassess my plan of job finding -

i walked home
i got comfortable and enjoyed my pillow -

i started to realize how little i knew -

how i sat there - and knew the similiarity

that some ppl share is their lack of sense of personal power -

perhaps abusers see their sense of self only in
power dominance

yet the difference is - as i got a sense of myself there - how i too had no sense of personal power - it
came sometimes and yet gone the other -
nothing a disconnect -

somehow not real -

i sat there and i did not want to be just blindly powerful

and so i thought

gently started seeing relatinships around me

important =

i have been a little bit of a pollyanna at times -

and yet also i think i can adjust to compensate
for the level of confidence i have right now -

i think that power in general may not be bad
in and of itself - it is the basic responsibility

or ability to be responsible with one's personal
power that may be the measure -

like right now i kind of feel like what i would really like to do is be a kind of personal assistant -

that essentially would be something i would feel very confident and able to do- plus it would give me an opportunity to develop a lot of relationships - in a low profile position
all the while learning about the business environment - and the business i am in -

it could be rather cool - and i really know how to do that -

that is my personal comfort level at this time -

it may change -
Sounds like a great idea. Re-evaluating where on the power scale one wants to be is tricky for us.

We need to reclaim some power, yet we know firsthand the destruction power can wreak.

I was fired from my job as a Hollywood talent agent long after I had realized that I was not interested i the type of power an agent needs to crave to be succesful. I just wanted to help people.

Now I am a teacher, just about to start my first contract after working as a sub for a half a year and studying (and taking tests and going through background checks - seven of them - and writing no ess than two hundred pages) for the last year. I am nervous, but I know I have found the right place, which is not to try t force anyone into anything, but to inspire and to help.

Best of luck to you, Mark. You will find your way.

I give you a saying my therapist gave to me that helped me tremendously when I was stuck a couiple of years ago: "Don't just do something, stand there." One occasionally needs to take time to look around for which direction will work best on our journey.

It can be empowering when you don't let the abuser mess with your brain and don't let the abuse affect your life. It's like ridding yourself of a tumor that just saps you.
Don't let the abuser mess with your brain and don't let the abuse affect your life? Now, why didn't I think of that?

Just kidding, Ken. :)