
Ya Know I don't think that they get enough jail time!! Life wouldn't be long enough. Perp of female rape go to jail longer than perp of child molestation. Something has to be done about this travisty and I think it's up to us in whatever way we can to try to change the laws... Are you guys with me on this. Progress comes in numbers.. write your congressman and so forth an change the laws... Remember NO PLEE BARGAINS.... My perp got out from Woodbourne Correctional Facility on January 8 2004 and he is staying at a motel a few towns away from my town about 30 miles... What BULL*&#@ is that... Like I said he got caught in 1973 fro the crimes against me and my brothers 2 with whom are dead now from the side affects of it and he went to jail in 1990 again for some more of it... Plee bargaining got him off for the crimes to me.. So I guess to society it didn't happen to me!! He won't stop and I think he belongs in jail... He is 72 years old but that doesn't matter... Lets try to change some laws!

Hey am I wrong for wanting the court records and the deposition that I made to the police officer to look at for my own curiosity? I would like to possibly write about it!! I think that would be good theropy.. Any thoughts????
Hey Craig - I am ragefully pissed when I hear repeat offenders still get out and are free to perp again..what treatment did he get in prison? What change has occurred in him? What follow up ?? Is he to report to the police everywhere he lives? Do they warn the parents of kids in the area he will reside? What confidence has the justice system given that they will monitor and/or control his movements? I would research these questions, Craig!! Not that they will ever take away the rage and devastation he has caused forever in the lives of his victims.

I agree that the only way changes will occur is for those who know how it impacts them to let others know! Some on our site talk to children and youth groups with prevention education. Others on the site have lobbyed their state representatives to pass bills supporting the rights of sexual abuse survivors. Others have written letters to editors and articles about this issue. Everybody has to do what they are comfortable doing and gifted to do. [In case anyone is reading this thinks they have no gifts - get real!! We all have something!!].

Maybe you can channel some of that anger (rage??) as motivation to change "the system" or to hold it accountable to the victims. I know in the juvenile justice system - Balanced and Restorative Justice is growing in support. There the victim is involved in all aspects of the judicial proceeding.

Sorry this is getting so long! But I really want to encourage activists in this area. I know Ken, we do so as private citizens with no official representation of MaleSurvivors! But one person can make a point AND does count!!

Whew!!! Go get 'um tiger!!!

Hey am I wrong for wanting the court records and the deposition that I made to the police officer to look at for my own curiosity? I would like to possibly write about it!! I think that would be good theropy.. Any thoughts????
I don't know about your legal system, but if you can get them and use them to write your story, and explain your rightful anger at the system, then I think that could be very therapeutic in its own way for you.
I write a lot, and it clears my mind of the crap, when I see it on a page it becomes one more step removed from me. I released a lot of anger through the keyboard and pen.

And if you can get it published and it changes just one persons mind about the punishment of perps, or gets one more victim to start the journey towards Surviving, then the effort is worth it.

I say "go for it"

The politicians are talking about dramatic changes in sentencing in this state in reponse to recent re-offending.

It gets complicated in the implementation when each county is responsible for tracking the offenders in their jurisdiction.

The State Legislature is leaning towards life imprisonment for a lot of them. I don't know if that will elminate plea bargaining or not.
I agree with you, Craig....

I'm workin on something that happen to me in '79...and I was 26 than...statues have past...however, hopefully, gonna 'wake a shake' the media.

Nebraska has a 7/3 law....7 for criminal and 3 for civil lawsuits.

Times have changed since '79...for the better.

I am very sorry, for your suffering and your losses ebcause of this man. I hope that you are able to recover some good feelings, and work through some of the pain.
