Pedo protection

Pedo protection


Being a survivor of abuse gives me a different angle on life, and how I perceive things.
I am not saying that to justify what I say, but, what about all the cover ups we see in society today!

If we take the child abuse cases reported, then we find that most of the cases are brought by abused kids, often years after it happened.

I flash things around in my mind, and cannot think of one case that the cops have brought to the courts with their own investigation.

We have pedos vying for government, we have open forums with pedos conversing openly, so why not track them down, or is that just too obvious.

We live in society where drugs are rife, and anti-social behaviour, but why cant they get to the root of the problem?

All of us come to this site, and see that pedos are getting away with murder, and authorities who could track them seem reluctant to intervene.

This leaves only one conclusion, and that is that they are complicit with what goes on.
Everywhere you go on the net is traceable, and pedos could be swatted like flies, but no way.

Kirk goes to sites that are frequented by pedos, actively talking about what they feel like doing or are doing, and these sites would surely be closed if those who govern us where not complicit in pedophilia.

Every abuse site could be closed down in no time if they used available spiders on the net.
Authorities know it can be done, but why dont they act?

One issue is to think that government sanctions the right of free speech, the other is to say they are complicit in forming rings of abusers, who they use to supply kids.

It is the only thing that I can think of, in why, these pedos are never investigated,

Hi Ste, I know how you feel. Someone posted this before. Perverted-Justice
While I could not do what they are doing, I have to take my hat off to them for doing it.

Take care,
Just being a pedophile and thinking pedophilic thoughts isn't enough to get arrested (much as we might wish that were true). Police need real evidence of a crime, or a direct witness, before they're even allowed to act. I'm sure it doesn't make them happy to just stand around and do nothing, but they have little choice. It takes just the slightest misstep by law enforcement to set a pedophile free and make him virtually untouchable. Lawyers looking to make reputations won't hesitate to take a suspected pedophile's case if they think they can win - and when they think they can win, they're usually right.

As for the pedo sites - rest assured, the police practically live on them. As soon as any perv on such a site says something actionable, they're nabbed.

Think about how once every couple of months, you hear about a "ring" being dismantled, and dozens of people being hauled in. That sort of thing takes patience and lots of hard work; it also means holding off until you know for absolute certain there's no way for the perps to get off the hook.

Do not worry; they are on our side.

In a way, perhaps it's a good thing that pedophiles take the astonishing step of setting up websites where their identities and everything they say can be tracked and watched.

Perhaps this is naive, but these days I don't think much of the public would be convinced by anything they say. And we all know that pedophiles are so difficult to track down because they hide behind their outwardly respectable reputations and ordinary lifestyles. So I often wonder, don't they realize that their sites more or less announce, "Here we are"?

Much love,
What got me to write this is the agonising fact of a little girl murdered in Scotland.
The mother is asking for Government documents that are classified to be made available to the courts.

Why? Are these documents so secretive!
Is it because they uncovered the grim secret, that authoritive figures would be identified as pedos active in society!

This is not the first time, Ian Huntley, Thomas Hamilton, the list goes on and on, where the cases are given D notices.

These people never worked alone, they were running a 'service' to the ringmasters.
The public need to know who the Government are hiding behind such secrecy, not withstanding Government serving ministers hiding behind D notices.

The only strength is the need for the truth,


The internet is a wonderful spin machine. They're not just saying "here we are", they're trying to spin pedophilia as simply an "alternative lifestyle", and people who disagree with it as "bigots".
My "here we are" comment just referred to how readily visible their sites make their users, visitors and members, but yes, I take your point and your post makes me think about this further.

Perhaps I am being too naive and intellectual about the whole thing (my wife says I shouldn't be trusted to judge the character of anyone more nefarious than Santa). It just seemed to me that the arguments are so obviously bullshit that no reasonable person would take them seriously. I remember there was a thread on NAMBLA here on the board, so off I went to their site to see what's up. The content was shocking and I didn't linger, but my main impression was that this was a tiny group of pervs talking rubbish to each other and not finding much success in reaching a broader audience.

The problem there is that there are lots of other things that are also totally bullshit and are still taken seriously.

There's also the fact that these sites are part of pedophile networks, which they use in sharing information with each other.

It seems outrageous that these sites remain up, but I suppose it's rather like the Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan: the principle of free speech and democracy for all of us comes at this cost - all these pricks get their right to spew their garbage.

Much love,

I wouldn't be surprised to discover that there are indeed pedophiles in very high places. There doesn't seem to be any other sector of society that is immune from contamination - not even police forces, social services, the medical profession, education, or the church - so why should we expect that government would be secure?

But I wonder at the more conspiratorial aspects you talk about. How solid is the evidence, for example? That's one thing about conspiracy theories: they can sound very convincing without having much evidence to prop them up. I saw a book recently, for example, that has already collected a whole volume of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

I hope this doesn't sound dismissive. I guess I'm just curious as to how you would respond to this view of things.

Much love,
Those sites most definitely help foster smaller "networks" of individual and interconnected pedos, whether they're sharing information or other things. When I read one of their bulletin boards, for instance (and yes, some of their attitudes on various subjects are sickening), it seems when a person is arrested who happens to be a poster there, all kinds of paranoid hysteria pops up. It's kind of fulfilling to watch these wanks tremble in fear. It's like I'm living vicariously through the police.

I don't doubt that there are pedophiles in high places. I was just wondering are there good indications of conspiracies between pedophiles and government bodies. In principle I would normally find that difficult to credit, but these days ....

What really makes me mad, is the number of kids who go missing all over the world.
Where? Do they go to, and you can guess what I am thinking here.

Reid \'urged\' to release secret pedo document.

That is just the tip of the iceberg, loads of them have been covered up, and now it is time that the victims family and the public should know who is behind these cover-ups.

The people thst are in high places are immune because , even when the media is shown the evedence they either dont want to hear it . or they do not have the balls to persue the truth !!
Then there's the issue of everyone in the country (UK) paying a licence fee to the BBC for biased reporting on a channel that I rarely watch now! I wouldn't trust them to own up to their own farts!

Best wishes ...Rik
It would seem that the goverenments and in particular the UK gov does not want to violate the so called human rights of these "evil" people.

The trouble with any goeverment, they want to look good. take that would be dictator tony blair and all his chronies, they just lust after power and throw money at things when they dont like it (ASBOs etc............).

I suspect that our goverenments are behind a load of things these days and they know more than they are letting on(off subject 7th July bombings, i think they knew about it but decided not to act so they can cause public panic and push emergency measures through)

I suspect the same is with crime, let it happen. the victims will come forward and we will not have to do all the work.

forgive me if i strayed a little. The goverenment also places these monsters in bail hostels and are gob smacked when they hear that they have committed another crime. Put them in jail or castrate the bastards!!!!! or anyone else who commits a sexual offence against children/men and women.

The rule of law is too soft. It just comes down to a slap on the wrists most of the time. The judges live in a different world altogether.

Then there are the fucking do gooders, they have know idea of the suffering we are going through.If one of those so called do gooders ever said to me "I understand what you are going through" I would probably hit them (not hard).

They have no idea how in human we/I feel about what has happened. Its always the fucking human rights of the criminal what about our rights!!!!! dont we have any? I suppose not.

I have also noticed that If a copper gets attacked all the resources are poured into that.If its joe public they dont care.

Its just a crime sheet/number and we will keep you posted. thats one of the reasons i never went to the police when i was raped.

I feel so let down by the goverenment and the police. they are a complete waste of time.
they are more concerned with terrorism and divert our attentions away from their failings by coming up with sensational stories in the newspapers whenever they come under the spot light.

Whenever I see the NSPCC ad on the TV i get very angry because it shows our goverenment does not care at all. and it is up to a charity to sort things out.

sorry for my ranting.......

think about were it came form..Babylon to Rome and the world...break into the Vatican books and basements and see the bones of our brothers and sisters
When I wrote this, there was one thing only in my mind, the fact that most perps never get caught by the cops.

They rely on the public to be their eyes and ears, but guess what, my eyes and ears are fixed on where I am heading, and not nosing around.

I am sure those in authority use pedos to run child sex rings, then when the kids are going to tell, death arises, as in many cases in my country where the facts never emerge.

I read the Bichard report minutes of various operators in checking Huntleys background, and serious evidence was not available on the cops comp sys.

Huntley was never alone, others were complicit in what he did, and it all rolls back to Humberside police and the now infamous mr inglis, who got off with multiple child abuse allegations.

Inglis was part of the police control body for that area, and the chief constable resigned over the evidence that seemingly was not held on Huntley.

My logic behind this is, that these pedo rings are run by pedos for authority figures to use kids for all manner of things, and when they are about to be found out, they push the pedo who runs it, to either kill himself or kill others as he is exposed, even though he is only the scapegoat.

I note that all these pedo rings, Thomas Hamilton etc., are covered up.
The public dont have a clue what goes on with authority, and how they protect themselves by using scapegoats.

It is not new to my country, the same thing happened in Belgium, and other countries who shield it from the public eye.

We need to see a total stop to ritual, and organized abuse of kids.
It will not happen unless we open up the sordid truth of what really goes on.

Me digging my hole,



I think what you are describing, i.e., cover-ups and scapegoating, is true for any organised criminal activity. I suspect perps are not much different in their organisational structures and practises from common money launderers or drug dealers. And there are plenty of those types in government as well.

Just to the point someone made earlier about the police; my experience has been that the police are among the most vocal and dedicated advocates of sexual assault victims. There may be a few "bent" cops out there, but like Larry says, I think that is really just a matter of statistics. There is no great police conspiracy against survivors.