Pasta Recipe

Pasta Recipe


This is my first post to the discussion forum. I like to experiment with the ingredients and modify according to what i can afford at the time. Does anyone have favorite recipies to share?

4 cloves garlic
Extra virgin olive oil
Dried or fresh basil
Canned crushed tomatoes or fresh, deseeded and diced
1/2lb. firm tofu drained and squeezed dry
Your favorite pasta
1-3inches wakame seaweed

Do not cover while boiling pasta. Pour sauce over pasta while it is still steaming.

Chop garlic thinly and heat on low in olive oil. The longer the garlic sits in the oil the more pronounced the flavor. Soak seaweed and remove ribs; chop finely and combine to pan. Add basil, tofu, and tomatoes- simmer on medium 5-20 minutes. The last step is to add a few spoonfulls of the boiling water from the pasta. Sometimes I've added brown rice miso after the sauce has cooled down- not so much for flavor but to aid digestion.

Red leaf lettuce
Red bell pepper
Sweet tomatoes
Feta cheese
Unsalted cashews or hydrated garbonzo beans

Cut red pepper flat and broil until the skin bubbles and the flesh is limp. Cool; peel skin off and dice. Combine with diced tomatoes, cashews, peeled and chopped cucumber, and crumbled feta. Mix with dressing and let sit for a few minutes. Add washed and chopped lettuce, basil, and toss.

2 parts olive oil
1 part balsamic vinegar

Chop garlic and marinate in olive oil covered overnight. Add vinegar and whisk with a fork.

:D Enjoy! has some great, healthy recipies.

welcome to the homestead, sorry you had to pay the price of addmission to belong to our club, but hey, since you did, might as well hang out a bit and get to know a few of us!

I am glad your here,


Thanks for the welcome. We all paid the price of admission a long time ago, but i understand what you're saying. I'm at a point in my life when I'm trying to get back to the more tangible things- like how I hold my body, the food I eat, exercise.. all spokes in the wheel of healing. I used to think that healing exclusively was going back to the abuse/past to heal it, but I'm trying to focus more on the present and future. And as far as going into the past, I want to make my best experiences as important as the horrific ones. I bought a journal and will record the past ones and new ones as they happen.