Part of my life, possible trigger
I can't take these new memories of what has happened to me. All of it has made me truly crazy, makes me hear and see things, and even feel things that aren't really there, makes me feel disgusting, used dirty. I have a great fear of sleeping, I get by on maybe a couple of hours a night, sometimes less, I hate this fear, it is a fear my father instilled in me, he tried to smother me in my sleep many times, so I am so scared to sleep. I can't eat, feels wrong to have anything in mouth, and feel I am not worth even the food, it should go to someone better, someone who isn't crazy. I am terrified of the dark, because some of the worst abuse I suffered occured in the dark. I can't stand to be touched by anyone, it scared the he** out of me, just the thought of being touched scares me. I can't have anyone behind me, because that scares me too. I get startled and scared and triggered so easily. I am just so scared, and don't know how I have made it this far, and am scared to continue on further in my life. BUt I will go on, I will not let them, my abusers or these dam voices win, I will fight to stay alive at least. I just hate this all. I am having such a hard time and don't think I am worth the work, don't feel like I am worth being, but I will be, just to spite everything that has hurt me. It is just so hard sometimes. I am sorry.