Pannick attack, mabe triggerr

Pannick attack, mabe triggerr


I hatte this, I try so hard to fighht it off all ngiht. Why isi it that there is this fearr, of nothinng out there, nothing to hurt me? Hate the felings in my head and body, feeling my hands get numb, feeling painn in my arms, and then is like my headd takes me away of myself, I get fuzzy in head and headache mmuch. Feling of him here, can't mamke it go awaay of my head, just total scare of all this, needing to stay here, needing to stay as myselff, to be all right of thiihs. :(
I am getiing through of this, I am not losing of myself. I am journaling, I have computere still on, I have television on, I am winning this one on him.
Leosha that is the spirit. Those assholes cannot win ever. We are a hell of a lot stronger than they every thought we could be. And some day we will all rise up together and expose the horror to the world and we will all work to make sure this evil is exposed for what it really is. A soul destroyer.
Keep it up Leosha,

Keep fighting to keep those demons away. Keep writing and journaling. Your poems are very nice, too bad you don't have more pleasant things to write about. We share your pain.

Take care Leosha, someday the pain will ease and sleep will come.

Think about the "Gold Medal" the roar of the crowd, you deserve it for beating it !

Dave :D
Sadly I recognize this in myself leo, the shear terror, that decides to have its fun at my expense. But leo you are stronger than these shdows, I know that you are, it takes real strength and real courage to do everything you have done, from moving to a new country and not letting all of this completely destroy you; it may not feel like it was brave, ut t truly was, and is.
