Panic Attack, PTSD -TRIGGERS-
Ok, so last night I had my very fist panic attack. I just want to say that that was the scariest thing that I have ever been through in my life. I am feeling very exhausted today because of it. Luckily I had a friend of mine come over, because I was so scared. They helped me to calm down a lot. After hyperventilating for a while, I started to relive my abuse as if I was there and I couldn't get away from it. My face started to go numb as I cried. I'm sure a lot of you have had panic attacks here, but I am still feeling a lot of anxiety today. I don't want to go into what caused it right now, I just need to tell some people that understand what it's like to go through one. I'm trying to relax and stay calm...that was honestly the scariest thing I think I have ever been through. I'm afraid that I will have another one.
Thanks for listening,
Thanks for listening,