Pain vs Hurt!

Pain vs Hurt!



I can ride pain, I always did, it is no big deal to go through pain.

So I take you through the story of my life and how doctors, dentists etc., hurt me.

First of all doctors, I got so many medicals from doctors and went to so many clinics and hospitals that I just got sick of any antiseptic smell.

It just took me bak to hospitals, and how I never was away from places like that.
I got diagnosed I guess for everything under the sun, because the doc would say tnings like, "what happened to you son".

So yes, he is just going to blurt out, "oh, I was abused by a man". raped!

Dentist puts me asleep to fix his teeth after someone beat him up and smash his front teeth.

Then I wake up and think the dentist played with me when I was unconscious, but I was thinking that under anaesthetic which really made it feel so bad.

I had no control under these drugs that he gave me, and just felt used and hurt after it, since then I have been conscious in surgery for teeth.

You can just see it now, the little boy heving a needle stuck in his arm and then the putrid gas depriving him of his senses which got him whrere he was.

I had a three hour operation on my teeth because of a polyp on my nerve, and it hurt real bad, but the doc says I cannot give you more drugs to help the pain, in case of heart arrest.

So I had to go through this excruciating pain to just get out of there.

So OK, the topic is all about hurt v pain.

Pain to me is easy, I can control it much more then hurt.

Hurt goes much deeper than pain, but pain can deepen the hurt so much.
If I needed an operation then I would go for a local anaesthetic, even if I have to go through pain.

There is a threshold of pain, but guess I passed it years ago, and no, I dont feel or fear pain, but hurt is another matter.

There is a difference,


I think I know what you mean, I would rather pass a kidney stone than go through abuse again.


Good thread. It's well worth recognizing the difference. Pain we can clearly identify as something coming to us that for which we are not responsible. It's hurt that raises all the hellish questions about who we are and whether we are so worthless and unlovable as to deserve what is happening.

Much love,
I am the type of person that has a high pain theshold, which I believe is a result of portion of my abuse. But my feelings tend to can hurt, which is a pain that is worse then any other type pain there is.

Smash my hand with a hammer, just don't tell me that you're not my friend any more or that you don't love me.
I had a condition called steven johnson syndrome some years ago. Basically its where you get total ulceration of your eyes mouth and some parts of your skin. The pain was all consuming and yet I look back on this part of life as calming and secure. Until I read this thread I had never realised that during this time the hurt from the abuse subsided for a bit as I was slipping in and out of consciousness and my body fighting to survive and deal with the physical pain.

But yeah I'd rather have SJS again for some releif from the hurt.

"Smash my hand with a hammer, just don't tell me that younot my friend or that you don't love me".

Got that one spot on!


"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"