Pa. Senate Bill 1054

Pa. Senate Bill 1054


To Pennsylvania survivors!!! Our Governor signed Senate Bill 1054 on November 29,2006. This bill and 3 others changed how survivors can press charges on their Perp! NOTICE: Anyone who was sexually abused has until their 50th birthday to press charges on their Perp. NOTICE: "Requires those who care for children report suspected abuse regardless of whether the child reports abuse." NOTICE: "Makes an employer criminally responsible for placing a child in the care of someone known to be dangerous to children. It also makes the employer criminally responsible for interfering or preventing with the reporting of suspected child abuse."

If you want to look up the bills yourself:

Most jurisdictions already have similar laws, so maybe PA decided to get with the program.
Guys - There are MANY jurisdictions who give you three years past realizing you were abused, others say by age 21, others use various limits. How many all ready have until 50 years of age - just curious? I especially like the criminal accountability for agencies, youth programs and church leaders. As to how it got passed,it was many things on many levels including explaining CSAV to local state reps/senators giving them amunition to use in forming the bill and on the floor of the Senate & House.


I reported a perp from the 1970s to the PA State Police a few years ago. Back then the Trooper told me that she and he knew that she could not arrest him because the statute was expired.

The link you posted isn't working for me. Do you know if this bill extends the statute retroactively, or will it apply only to abuse that occurs after its effective date?


Canada has no statute of limitations on sexual assault, and our mandatory reporting laws also extend to other people such as babysitters, teachers, doctors, and pretty much anyone else who is in a position of authority. In fact, in Ontario, everyone is required by law to report child abuse.
NN - We've had quite a lot of trouble with priests -sexual abuse - and covering Diocese which problem will no longer exist. Another resolution corrected in the bill is if a perp reported a sexual offense, it was not necessarily reportable [even with Childline] unless the perp lived in the same house or had "authority" over the child. Now, all reports of any abuse by either perp or victim must to be reported by all mandated reporters.

Outis - I don't know for sure about reteroactivity but will ask my state rep...let you know!! Sorry the site doesn't work for you - me neither. I took it from the website listed at the bottom of the rep's copy he gave me.

Try your state law library. Most are on line. It will take some research but it's there.

Okie Mike, Oklahoma's Sexual Assault Code is here:

It's very long and complicated. If you are considering bringing action, the best bet is to speak to your local DA's office or the police.
Fifty years is a wonderful thing. I know that still, there are some who do not retrieve their memories before then, but at least, it is a sign of moving in the right direction. I think the total abolition of statute of limitation would be the ultimate win.


Have you had a chance to talk to your rep?

