i lost my temper in a post here and i would like to say i'm sorry but i'm not ,i been trying to find a way to let the kid in me speak out ,well the post in question did that for me ,shadow is on the loose and i cant stop him or shut him up ,i am feeling real anger for the first time since my abuse and you know what? i like it ,no more sloppy sweet adam posts ,i am shadow and i am fucking pissed off. adam comes here and acts like a total pussy ,he is stupid enough to think that people care about us,he has the stupid idea that he can help people here ,what a joke !adam will just go on trying to be some innocent guy who got hurt so bad ,fuck that!yeah i got hurt and i aint ever gonna get over it ,to tell the truth i feel like i wanna hurt right back you know ,make somebody fucking pay for what was done to me. i knew that sooner or later this would happen i mean how much of adams sticky sweet i love you bullshit do i have to listen to? i would like to thank trev for giving me the guts to say how i feel ,dude you unleashed a lion dont be surprised if he eats everything in sight. right now adam is crying !crying !makes me wanna puke !i survived all that shit to become him ? shoulda just made the fucker kill me would have been better that turnning into that little pussy. i think i'm over the edge but you know what i dont care and i aint comming back. my anger is my only friend and we get along just fine. as for adam ? he dont deserve to live the life i fought so hard for ,he is just another fucking grow up that let me down.