One Year a Survivor

One Year a Survivor


One Year a Survivor
Its been one year this May that I told my wife and confronted the Archdiocese about my SA. At times it seemed that I was standing still and not moving forward with my healing. Than at other moments I was flying forward at the speed of light. Done a hell of a lot of crying, lots of bad but some good. Did lots of growing this last year also.

I would like to THANK all my brothers here at MaleSurvivors for the help you have given me this last year. I got so much from you but in return I gave so little. I have not been helping my brother these last few months only taken from you. I will try to contribute more this summer, which will help me in my Healing. THANKS for ALL the HELP. Muldoon
Hi Muldoon,

Well, Happy Anniversary, or Happy Birthday, or Happy whatever you want to call it.

Maybe just a Happy Life.

Good for you . . . and everyone else here, and elsewhere in your life.

See you,

Muldoon my wolf brother:



I would like to THANK all my brothers here at MaleSurvivors for the help you have given me this last year. I got so much from you but in return I gave so little. I have not been helping my brother these last few months only taken from you.

There are many great men here, truly great men, helping one another in the struggle of our lives. No one fits the description above less than you do. Your example working to effect concrete change in the law of the land is true inspiration. We will one day make the world a safer place with work like that, like yours.

Whether the bill gets through as we want this time or not, the battle is joined. We will take up the cause in other legislatures. We will prevail, and boys yet unborn will be the better for it. And you, personally, with a courage that I envy, are responsible for a beautiful chapter in this story.

You have given more than you admit. I look forward to hearing more from you this summer and beyond.


The journey may seem endless but your closer to it now than ever before. Thank you for your support you give me with your post here. Keep up the fight.
I got so much from you but in return I gave so little. I have not been helping my brother these last few months only taken from you.
"Who said that ? NO - it couldn't have been Muldoon, no way !"

The year has gone by but it seems that I am only begining the healing process. I know at times I may make a bit of a contribution but most time I just read and take your help. I have learned so much from my Brother here. THANKS for ALL the HELP. Muldoon