One thing I really, really hate...

You must have soooo many allies in this one, my friend. Even today, every time I use a public restroom I remember the times I was caught by the abuser in the men's bathroom in our church. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Much love,
Not for that reason so much; my abuse was confined to things like the living room and the bedroom. The sunporch now and then. Though I know of many survivors who were abused in restrooms... :(

No, I just hate them. I'm OK when I'm alone in one, but as soon as someone else comes in, it's like torture. I always use the stalls - at least there is some illusion of privacy there. But the urinals - forget it. Especially those horrid communal ones at stadiums and such - what were those people thinking???
I never had abuse in a restroom, but they still seem rather barbaric to me. I much prefer those places that have the single restroom then the 'corrals'. I don't want to feel like a barnyard creature. Especially in that kind of environment.
