one of those days

one of those days


i hate everything and i hate everyone
and i wanna go looking for a fight



Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

You must unlearn what you have learned

From Yoda.

Peace Bro....Dont hate, talk.
i dont wanna chill relax or breath
and i hate yoda that stupid little green

JapanZen is actually telling you some things that would be very good for you. But yeah, I know how you feel. You just want to beat the shit out of something, and who could blame you? What you need is some way of releasing all that anger without getting yourself into trouble.

One of my little brothers here last year had an excellent solution for the anger problem. He was getting suspended from school a lot for fighting, and once he told his father what the problem was they were able to work on it together. One thing his father did was get him a punching bag, which he proceeded to batter every time he felt angry.

The problem with that, however, is that it doesn't help you to see that the solution isn't to fight and hit things...or people. What you need are safe activities that let you get these feelings out. How about football, running or swimming? All those use up a LOT of energy.

Ultimately, though, it does come down to a matter of learning to relax and cope with anger and frustration in a way that doesn't hurt you or others. The ability to do this doesn't come overnight, but it IS the goal to aim for.

Much love,
ya i got kicked out of school for
fighting. i do motorcross and even
tho im riding it takes alot of
energy and focus so that usually
works for me. but i cant go this
weekend... why? cuz i'm at my
i dunno if i wanna beat the shit out
of somebody or if i wanna get the
shit beat out of me. either way will
japanzen - i didnt mean to be rude

i dunno if i wanna beat the shit out of somebody or if i wanna get the shit beat out of me. either way will work!
Forget the fight. I will look for a Yoda stuffed with sand for you instead, okay? I agree with you. It is about time someone stomped that little green fuck! rofl

Much love,
Hmmmm. Is that a "yes" to the stuffed Yoda? I wonder what's on Ebay.

u think i could find one that looks
like my stepfather?
Hmmm. I think that would be asking for too much creativity. But hey, you could use your imagination.

Much love,
:D :D :) ;) Trev, Larry, I've got to agree with y'all about yoda. Never could stand the look of him and he hacked me off besides! Too much talk, not enough action!

Lots of love,


Syntax error in Yoda-speak:

Jealousy to the darkside it leads.
Love, it is much,

PS: Trev, NOW look what started you did! Mmmmm. :D