On Air Talent Needed

On Air Talent Needed


I have enough footage now to put together 3-hour long shows. Going to use some survivors interview that another producer has done all ready that will go with my interviews. My main mission how is to get these 3 shows done and on air. I picked up a 200Gig hard drive so I can do the ruff cut edit on my I Mac at home. The powers above have sent me a Professional editor to help me do the final cut on the 1st show. He will teach me the stills I need to produce a first class production. So things are moving forward with our TV show.

Been thinking about a title for it. Maybe use "You Are Not Alone" Thats the name I use at cable access where I get the camera equipment.

The missing link now is On Air Talent. I need some one to be in front of the camera and do voice over on interviews. This person would also be the voice for us survivors therefore I feel our TV Host must be a Survivor.

So anyone out there who wants to become a TV show host Lets talk. Also think about any survivor you know that dont come to our web site. Tom
Hey, Tom,

Would you ever consider an over weight, over the hill dude for your ON Air Talent?
I havent' been in touch with you since the conference in Minneapolis. Maybe you don't remember me anymore but I'd like to talk to you about the On Air part... I certainly am a survivor and have had some On Air experience. I would enjoy working with you and can arrange our vacation to coincide with shooting, perhaps.
Let me know what kind of offers you've had and if you still need someone.
So appreciate what you've done, thus far, to get this project off the ground.

Hey Tom,

I've often been told I have a great "radio" voice and would love to assist you in your project in any way you might need. What you're doing is terribly important.

Hey Tom - I'd like to throw my hat in the ring! In my earlier days, I worked in radio and television, did some commercial work, etc. Experienced talking before LARGE crowds...frequently provide seminars...former school teacher...etc. Like Dave, matured person a little out of shape!! Let me know what you think. Maybe two mature survivors? You are not alone..two hosts? Maybe? Good luck!!!!

I like Howard's idea of two hosts, portraying the Your Not Alone philosophy.

As far as on-air talent, I'm definately nnnnot yoyoyour mamaman.

Big Thumbs up on the near completion of your documentary.

n n n n or m m me Bill, the keyboards great when you stammer ! :rolleyes: ;)

Tom, I've done some TV interviews for my businesses. I'd be interested if it would work. I'm sure location is an issue. I live in London On Canada.

Congrats on the progress. I hope it works out. I look forward to seeing/hearing it.

Shawn Reeder
Thanks guys for all your offers of help. i can use all of you. there is so much that has to be told. Don't think we will run out of story material until I am long gone.

I am in the cxities 100 mile from home and need a few day to put this all together. I will make a post about what the next step is and PM each of you.

The ####1 thing that has to happen first is that we have to bring together a production team in your area. Where do you find them?? college and univerity, cable acess, local tv sations and the corp. There is so much talent out there who would love to be part of this if given the opertunity.

1 of the main points that I am tring to develope is that this show can be put together from eleements all over the world. That helps when we keep the prodouction coast low but provide a first class act.Tom
I am glad that you have found some 'survivor talent' you can use. I hope it all goes well and smooth, and congratulations.
