OK to show my T my posts and your replies?

OK to show my T my posts and your replies?


I have an important question to ask.

I have been posting some real concerns and problems of mine lately, and that's something that is healthy right now. I don't do well with journaling right now since there's no feedback to my questions.

But many of you reply to my problems and questions. Am I violating people's trusts if I were to print a posting of mine with your replies to show to my T? Is this breaking confidentiality? Even if I read it to her? Even if people use screen names?

This will probably be a hot topic, but feedback would be great on my side. Just like in my 12 step progam, I need specifics to know how to act in real life.

I haven't been active lately, so I'm probably not one of the people you really want to hear from. But for the record, if I post something out here in the public area, it's public.

If I post something in one of the more restricted areas, send a PM or an email, etc that you (or anyone) would like to share it with someone, let me know.


Couldn't a therapist, like anybody else, just go to this site and read the messages anyway?

Sharing things with a T sounds healing to me. I have gained much by sharing things with you guys.

I feel like I'm among friends, and I can't imagine anyone misusing the info from here. :)

Thanks for being you...all of you.

Good points all round, it's a public place and we should all be very aware of that.
But we post here, and anyone can come along and look.

Quite what the legal position is - if there is one - I don't know.

But Alfred has shown his sense of decency in asking the question. Which is great.
Although there's nothing to actually stop anyone doing it.

An alternative is to copy and paste them onto Word or some other word processor. That way it's easy just to edit the names off or change them.

In the past I printed out "my portion" of the post and took it into my therapist. Sometimes they would read it, sometimes I would read it outloud and sometimes it was just for a reminder. I did not share what others had written because I personally feel that is a sacred trust when someone responds. While it is a public place, I just don't feel it is my place to share what others wrote word for word. I think I have generalized what the collective group has told me as it often matches up to what we discuss in therapy.

If someone uses what I say, it doesn't bother me because I write so that it is ok to share it in public. I am careful about what I share with others and like I said, it is a sacred trust I have.

For a long time, I could not write anything in a journal and the forum served as a way for me to journal. If you actually saved everything you posted up here, it would be a journal. Just a thought and one that I have often used for myself.

I have a lot of respect for you for asking this question. That took courage and guts in my opinion.

This is an important and dificult question. Thanks for having the character to ask before you do.

I'm not sure where I stand on this. (I am in the middle of two opposite responses ie: indifferent)

On the one hand, this is a public forum in the sense that anyone can log on. On the other hand, I feel very deeply that any one of us should be able to bring up very dificult and personal/private things here with the understanding that we can seek feedback from those who's experiences give their opnions value.

I think most definitely that no names or "handles" should be used in any way along with what is put out here. I worry that I would have to start to edit what I am going through in case it gets out to the real (not virtual) world.

The fact that you have asked this question gives me a level of trust in what you would do with the info.

I would ask that you don't put out here what your therapit thinks about anything written here. (I feel very strongly that opnions are of no value unless they are tempered with feelings and genuine efforts at empathy.) I am hoping that this is a place where I can find support without opinion not based in experience or from empathy.

This is a tough question. Thanks for putting it out there.

Thanks for asking. Yes, if I responded to any of your posts, you are welcome to print out the response and show it to your T.

I tell my therapists about what I learn and the support I get here. I've given them the address so they can check it out and see for themselves that it is on the up and up. I only do this because they are professionals specializing in abuse recovery. I haven't thought about sharing that kind of information with anyone else. I suspect I wouldn't tell anyone else about it.

I'm with Brett, but others make very good points. Any information I share with my T is to stay in her/his office anyway. So I would probably share my posts here and the general gist of the replies. The reason I would do so would be to get a professional opinion. Obviously, we all have experience with what we are discussing. But I need professional advice as to what direction to take this recovery. And copying into word and changing names sounds like an excellent idea. Would anyone object to that sort of treatment? Even if I handed my T a copy of my posts and your replies on paper, names deleted?

Personally, I would prefer my name left out, simply because it is name that is one I use in 'real life'. Maybe that is poor choice of me, but that was what I do. So if my name is left out, I do not mind that anything I say be shared with therapist.
