Oh Man !

Oh Man !


I have always known I was screwed up because of the sa. I found this place a few weeks ago and have become a daily visitor. Oh man, all the puzzle pieces now fit.

Reading many of the post I swear I felt as if I may have written them. It was damm scary. Married, Straight, Gay, It made no difference I fit. I am you and you are me. As liberating as this is I am scared shitless. (but less now, thank you)

I thank eveyone of you for posting your pain for showing me that I am not alone. I applaude your courage.

Amazing what two bottles of liquid courage can do. (Becks) I have tried to register for two weeks. Thanks for listening

Hey welcome. This site has done more for me in the past two years that anything else I have ever encountered. The guys and ladies( with someone suffering from SA) here are truly remarkable people. There is no prejudice of any kind.

I am glad that some of what you have read has helped you if for no other reason than to know that you are not a freak and will never be alone again.
Remember that what happened to you is the worst thing in your life. There is no shame or guilt or fear that is yours. It was your perp(s). It was never your fault.

MS is a place to be used in conjunction with therapy. If you are looking for a therapist you will find some help above under (survivors). It is a real honour that you have joined us. Not only does in help you but it also strenthens the beliefs that we are decent people instead of what we all believed for so many years.
Welcome Soto58,

These are the best group of guys I've ever met. They understand your feelings like no other person can, unless unfortunately, they have been through it themselves. We've all been through it in various stages and degrees in our lives. We're all looking for healing for ourselves, but here you'll find that you begin to care for the healing of others, too. I thank God for putting me in a spot of desperation, so that I actively sought this site. Male Survivors is a safe site for us to come for healing and discussing our issues regarding SA.

Read and post as much as you are comfortable with. The good thing here is that you can move at your own pace. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, back off and take a rest for a while, and then come back.

I look forward to getting to know you.
Welcome. There are a lot of great people here to lean on. Thanks guys. :)
we're pretty damned good here, to hell with modesty!

What makes MS so good is the support, help and friendship that's on offer, and although it makes us all sad that you need some of that, we're gald you came here and found it.

Abuse isn't easy to deal with, but it's just about impossible to deal with alone.
I hope you come and share in our support, and if you need anything just ask one of the Moderators, we're here to help.

Wow. Thanks guys for the warm welcome. I know how great you guys are here. I noticed how supportive you are to everyone who comes here. That was the main reason I came here everyday to gather the courage to write my first post.

I am normally not one to ask for help. I can count on one hand how many times I have asked for help in my adult life. I see now, kind of late that it was not a good thing to be proud of.

I am 46 And its time for me to start to deal with all this crap That i just never attributed to SA I look back now and see a cycle always repeating it self.

Im going to sit back and absorb. I hope to be able to come here and be part of this great community.(and cut loose I am way to formal) Thanks again for your welcome. You guys put a great big smile on my face when I logged on to the site. Solo

And no liquid courage needed this time :)

Nothing left to say, everyone beat me to it so I'll just extend my own welcome to you.

I drink Becks, lovely beer, trouble is the hypermarket always sells out, so I have to buy lowenbrau.

Glad you have found some answers here, look after yourself in here, and just take in what you can.

take care of you,

Solo - it's amazing isn't it - you read the words here, & your PC screen turns into a mirror. I can confidently predict that you will gain strength here - it's like coming home to a log fire during a winter storm.

Best wishes ...Rik
Thanks guys,

Ste Yeah lowenbrau second best

Rick, A mirror indeed. I was blown away by the sameness our lives have taken. For all my life I thought I was just the biggest freak. That I had this big neon sign on my forhead saying USED and FREAK. Thank you, all of you