oh god someone please help me
it so amazing how sudden it can start.
i had an okay day, i mean i just got a new car day before yesterday so,
ive been in a good mood.
i just read a couple posts on here and just all this stuff just hurts me so bad to read, like i hurt for you guys and i hurt for me..
but i just read a specifc post on here, im not gonna say which one cause it doesn't matter and i dont want him to think he caused any part of this lovely metal breakdown im currently having.
but in my head i just started yelling no please stop please stop no no no please stop
and i just couldn't stop saying it over and over again in my head.
and it sstill going
i just wanna scream it outloud, i feel like maybe if i scream it loud enough my past will hear it and none of this would have happened.
do you think if i knew who it was id hurt as bad?
do you think id be worse off
do you think id be hurting just as bad but on a different level
i WANT to know who it was.
im so frustrated not knowing who to blame or who to be afraid of
what if it was my dad.
what if it was my uncle.
what if it was a teacher at school.
what if it was my brother.
what if it was my mom.
i dont fucking know.
what scares me about my moms denial is that when we came home from the dcotor that one day she kept saying that dr joni was gonna call CPS and she (mymom) was going to loose her teaching license.
why would she say that?
and i know not all dreams mean what they are, i had a dream about my mom hurting me. but i also had a dream about my dad hurting me along time ago,when i was like 12 or 13.
that was such a bad day, i woke up feeling like shit like, just ashamed and embarassed about thinkin about my dad like that and then i saw him downstairs and i was bitter to him, i was mad at him and i didnt want him to be around me.
does that mean anything?
i dont have a counlser to help me figure any of this stuff out.
i dont have the resorces to get a counsler.
i dont have enough courage to find the resorces to get a counsler.
does anyone know what i can do to try and figure out who did this to me?
i had an okay day, i mean i just got a new car day before yesterday so,
ive been in a good mood.
i just read a couple posts on here and just all this stuff just hurts me so bad to read, like i hurt for you guys and i hurt for me..
but i just read a specifc post on here, im not gonna say which one cause it doesn't matter and i dont want him to think he caused any part of this lovely metal breakdown im currently having.
but in my head i just started yelling no please stop please stop no no no please stop
and i just couldn't stop saying it over and over again in my head.
and it sstill going
i just wanna scream it outloud, i feel like maybe if i scream it loud enough my past will hear it and none of this would have happened.
do you think if i knew who it was id hurt as bad?
do you think id be worse off
do you think id be hurting just as bad but on a different level
i WANT to know who it was.
im so frustrated not knowing who to blame or who to be afraid of
what if it was my dad.
what if it was my uncle.
what if it was a teacher at school.
what if it was my brother.
what if it was my mom.
i dont fucking know.
what scares me about my moms denial is that when we came home from the dcotor that one day she kept saying that dr joni was gonna call CPS and she (mymom) was going to loose her teaching license.
why would she say that?
and i know not all dreams mean what they are, i had a dream about my mom hurting me. but i also had a dream about my dad hurting me along time ago,when i was like 12 or 13.
that was such a bad day, i woke up feeling like shit like, just ashamed and embarassed about thinkin about my dad like that and then i saw him downstairs and i was bitter to him, i was mad at him and i didnt want him to be around me.
does that mean anything?
i dont have a counlser to help me figure any of this stuff out.
i dont have the resorces to get a counsler.
i dont have enough courage to find the resorces to get a counsler.
does anyone know what i can do to try and figure out who did this to me?