Odd question - physiological effects of CSA

Odd question - physiological effects of CSA


Even in a forum dedicated to exploring uncomfortable topics, I'm somewhat reluctant to bring this one up (not sure why, honestly). But I've noticed what I believe to be a trend, and I want to know if my suspicion is correct.

Although certainly not all, a great deal of the male survivors of CSA I've talked to (myself included - I suppose I talk to myself sometimes) have told me that they experienced precocious puberty, or at least went through puberty at an age noticeably lower than the "average" age this happens. Many of those people are under the impression that the precocity is a result of the abuse, which is an understandable line of reasoning. Independently of this issue, I'm aware that sexual precocity can lead to certain other effects, like stunted growth or endocrine problems.

So, the question is, has a link between early sexual stimulation and precocity been demonstrated, or is puberty something "hard wired" enough that the abuse would have no effect? Or is this something nobody's looked at yet?
Forced sexual precocity is what sexual abuse induces, so the resulted stunting of growth is both at physical and emotional level, this is the direct result from the breakage of ones connection from ones own spirit and diversion all bodily energies into dealing with the trauma and the pain.

The main task for healing is to reconnect oneself to the spirit. That way the growth can be reinitiated right from the moment it got stalled.

That is why many abuse victims look like a child or at least behave like one, unless that have healed their childhoods, for that is the mark of an unhealed childhood, as we continue to dwell on the part of the life we haven't released from our system.

Healing means letting go of the past by welcoming the new into your life, every moment.

So ask yourself everyday, what new thing I can do today.

That way you can start a new life every day, for every moment is a fresh opportunity for start a new life. Have good life!

That is an interesting question which I've often wondered about. Thanks for asking it. I have no idea the answer, but you're not alone in the wondering, that's for sure.

I hope some of our esteemed and learned professionals here on the site can shed a little light on the question.

Lots of love,



I was a late bloomer in all aspects of puberty. I was lured into masturbation and oral sex at the age of 11 and anal sex by the age of 12. I was told that I was "smaller" and "no hair yet" because I wasn't giving enough head, for example. I didn't ejaculate until the age of 14, just a month before everything ended with the abuser, and of course that memorable first "real" orgasm was with him. That still shames me.

Anyway, my case would be a counterexample for early development, so far as I can tell.

Much love,
Forced sexual precocity is what sexual abuse induces, so the resulted stunting of growth is both at physical ... (Emphasis added)
Please provide a list of reputable sources to back up this claim.
For myself puberty was very late. PE was miserable being the only one without pubic hair in a locker room. My abuse started at 2 so if it brings only early puberty, I missed on that one.
I dont think it brings puberty forward, that is a purely physiological thing, when the body is ready to do it.

It can stunt puberty which it did to me.
It does in most, if not all cases lead to cross wiring, it must do.

It does lead to being precocious, which is a trait that perps look for in children.
It is of course unconscious affliction of the child, nontheless it is there.

There are a few studies out there, but mainly it is the thought that abused kids go on to abuse.
This form of teaching is massively out of touch, but cannot be dismissed without sample data.

It sickens me that kids live all their lives in silence, but when they speak out it is often to no avail.

Why bother! (Comes to mind)

I would have to say that the psychological issues are altered but the physical was not in my case.

That sounded important, like I have a case or I am part of a case study, lol.

I wish I could be the control group. Again, lol.

My humor is emerging, thank God.