NY laws on child abuse

NY laws on child abuse
I look up wikipedia about incest and finnally got the answers I was looking for. I was wondering among other things, -how can you tell a baby might be inbred or not. The first time I read it, it said that the Max punishment for a parent-child sexual abuse is only 4 years. Max of 25 if under 11,
What really got me is that I'm looking at this website here, https://protect.org/articles/vachssNewYorkVictory.html
and it said there is this incest loophole where a parental abuser can get a slap on the wrist.
-I also like how the site author mentioned, that the people he has seen think they are too famous to get in trouble. I totally think that is the case. I've had my eye on some new yorkers that I suspect have been abusing kids. shady stuff.
This thread is: Are laws in the nation so F'd up that they are this bad everywhere? I bet West VA has some real lean laws about this. I've seen some encouraging threads on here. One guy said he helped put away his abuser, and that was like the 3rd dude I met that said something like that. -Some other dude was about to testify against theirs, and I've probably missed a couple more since I'm not always on here.
Anyway, I'll finish reading this guys website, and I hope we all get behind good legislation that closes the incest loop. -WTF!?

I hope you will contact the other guys here who have acted so courageously to put away their incestuous abusers. They might be able to point you in the direction of further resources, and in any case, I think it always helps to talk.

Do you know that one guy here is about to publish a book on his experiences and healing journey? That ought to be an important read for you.

Much love,

Edited to add the link, in case you haven't seen this thread: https://www.malesurvivor.org/cgi-local/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=000990;p=1#000009
An inbred child will have deformities, either physical or mental, and may be albino.

There has been a stark decrease in reported abuse, not because it has dropped but for the following reasons.

In order to protect the child i.e., the child does not have to face convicting a family member if the household would be split up, or the child/family being ostracised in the community by the stigma of the event.

In short, abusive relatives are spared prison to keep the child within the best framework for the childs sake, and yes, they are supposed to be highly monitored throughout.

I hope it is not seen as a recipe to abuse and get away with it, but we must always have the childs interest at heart I suppose.

The only reason I can agree with this, is because the child may have unreasonable difficulties arising out of the family being split up, and the children going into care, which has its own problems, but I cannot see a fairer way for the child.

I did read this, and I do not know which states use this, but be aware, abuse figures tumbling do not carve an accurate picture :(

Incest is of course the worst type of abuse, because not only are you abusing the child, but abusing the offspring by giving them a vulnerable life.

I'm not sure I understand it, the laws and such. I know that Wikipedia is not the 'end all' of information, as it is something that can be edited by just anyone.

As to the incest, and 'inbred' children. Yes, perhaps they will have defects of such sorts. Of course, so do all humans.

Sadly the laws in New York are less harsh on a parent who rape their childen in NYS. Less then 5 years is the norm and the push is reunite children with parents.

Some of the state law makers are trying to change but it appears the NYS speaker of the house is concerned with offending parents and as held up bills to change this.

the push is reunite children with parents
What? You mean they push to reunite an abused kid with his parents even if one of them was the abuser? I must be missing something here. Or is the world going absolutely crazy?

Much love,

it all makes perfect sense in a way.
OK, the abuser goes to prison, the kids taken into care, but at the end of it, its the abused kid who carries all of the blame.

Authorities are worried about all these uncontrollable kids, who they cannot place in foster, because of their destructive traits.

Its truly unfortunate that their abuser is never known to neighbours, again to protect the child involved and nothing else, then there is the calling at school etc.

I did read the full text of this, and even though it sounds weird, I have to also think that the child comes first and foremost in any event.

Its a double edged sword,

I did read the full text of this, and even though it sounds weird, I have to also think that the child comes first and foremost in any event.

Its a double edged sword,
More reason this guy trying to close this loophole needs our support.
I had hoped people would come out and say that NY is tough on child abuse, but I guess they are not.
It is a shame that this is the case but some recent abuse cases seemed to have started to wake people up. I think that for the most part people do not think that sexual abuse happens in families that appear seemingly intact. The "non-abusing" adults in these families may be not see or want to see that their spouse is an abuser. I was pretty young when I was molested (about 6) and did not recall the incident until I was almost 32. It happened when my mother went shopping for new school clothes. I was blessed with good siblings and a few of us worked to shield the younger children from my father's violence. We went to school clean, well fed and were happy because we were safe and away from dad.