Ste - at work., I sometimes complain when managers say 'I', when they should say 'we'!
I wish that you could say, "The hurt that I feel today". I know what you mean when you say "The hurt he feels today". Even using 'we' now, and you then, but now together..
I'm still electric since the court case, and maybe I should let go?? *I know I shouldn't because that is giving in and allowing them to continue their depravity.
No matter what is happening, we all have today, then we have the next day, then we have however many more days that are thrown at us.
I watched satellite television today, 'Crossing Over'...just watched it on the off chance...when I was feeling really pi**ed off! Some family got a reading, and one person was mentioned that had 'passed over by their own choice, because they had issues'... the response was that they were still dealing with those issues wherever they were now, because you cannot just leave them behind!
I don't have any specific beliefs, but I got on with the ironing after watching that! I also stopped moping about! I also started thinking: 'Well **** it - I'm fighting again!
I like wine and real ale...not bothered with smoking for a long time!
Bought a new guitar this week, but I cannot plug it in until the fat lady sings!!
best wishes ...Rik