Not running away

Not running away


I'm an adult. Okay, so maybe I do not act as one often. (And definitely not this morning!) Just because I have some difficulties right now, I will not run away from them, and will not allow panic or fear make me run away of this source of support to me. I am sorry to be so asinine and confused recent days, four or five. I am missing of sleep, but actually feeling better right now then I have for few days, and probably after sleeping, I'll be back at my normal, paranoia, stupid self! But I do not wish to leave here, will not run away. Thank you to understand, I am sorry to be such dork!

If you're a dork, then I'm a REALLY big dork! :D

Make a deal with you: You won't run away, and neither will I. We'll both hang around and be dorks together!

Hang in there, brother, Leo. I will too.

Scot :D
What great news first thing in the morning! Perhaps individually we sometimes falter, but together, leaning on one another, we are able to battle through anything. Peace, Andrew
I think we all can empathize with the rollercoaster ride you have been on lately. This, too, shall pass.

Leosha, I havn't been here much lately and haven't posted in a while, but have read some of your posts and want to tell you to hang in there and keep plugging.

Several months ago when I was not doing so well you told me basically the same thing. It did me good to know you were there. One more person that gave a damn.

I hope you can know the same. I am one more person that gives a damn.

Hey Leosha,

You have been on one hell of a ride lately. In time, and some effort, the hills won't be as high and the valleys as low and the ride will get smoother. You have us guys to lean on when you need to. You shouldn't ever be reluctant to do so.

You have one hell of a good heart. You are constantly showing it. With concerns for your friend, and the members and guests here. With all you have gone through, you always try to extend a helping hand. Thanks, that hand has come my way on several occassions.


It is true - I thought I was THE dork, now I'm not alone.
:) Thanks Scot for pointing that out. :)