Not Quite Magic...

Not Quite Magic...


What many of us are doing is allowing our imaginations to control our actions. And that is in fact, proper behavior. The problem is in what we allow ourselves to imagine. Instead of actively choosing to create positive imagery, we dwell on negative images from the past.

We spend most of our time locked up in our heads blindly following paths that we dont even recognize that we are on. We just keep repeating the same painful stuff, because it takes no effort.

Change requires work, real work, thought and effort.

When we become aware that our consciousness is directable, we begin to direct it in productive ways.

One exercise that I enjoy is to place my consciousness in different parts of my body in random and rapid order. First I become aware of the end of my left big toe. Then I shift my awareness to the top of my right ear. Then I feel (with my mind) the tip of my nose. With practice, this method of consciousness shifting will allow you to feel and then manipulate certain parts of your subconscious mind.

Sure, this sounds silly. But I challenge you to try! Find a quiet time and place to concentrate on feeling (with your mind) the sensation in the big toe of your left foot.

Now you are wondering, What is the point of this crap? The point is simple. I am showing you the way in. In order to use your conscious mind to control your subconscious behaviors you must first recognize and practice the methods which allow such manipulation to happen. If you can touch your toe with your mind, than you can touch your brain with your mind, and there are parts of your brain that (having been recognized) become alterable.

Dont believe me. Believe yourself. Close your eyes and see blue. Wait until you have seen blue then choose to see red. Keep at it until you succeed. Shift your mind around throughout your body, feeling the choice of conscious concentration.

You are not helpless, even in the face of your unruly and abused mind. You presence here proves that you wish to make changes in yourself. Use your wishes, your desires, to drive your will. Do the work. Exercise your minds. Becoming strong thru this effort, take charge of yourself.

It isnt magic or religion. It is just how it works. Go ahead and doubt me if you want. But think about your toe.

What does this have to do with your sexual abuse? It is a way to change how you think.


After 40 years of living in denial and loneliness, what do I have to lose? I'm trying it! Apparently whatever I have been doing hasn't worked.

what you suggest sounds simple, and very plausible.

It reminds me of the methods that some people use to overcome physical pain by nothing more than 'mind control'.
There's a lot more going on in our heads than we realise, and if we can learn to tap into that then we should.
