Not Again

Not Again


I have had such a good run. It has been months sinse nightmares have haunted me. They're ba-ack. I woke up last Wednesday at 4:47am, after getting to bed at 11 pm. I have not had a peaceful night sinse then.
I thought I was past this, but I am backsliding again.

{{{{{{{{ Casey }}}}}}}}

I hope you can get those cleared up soon and get back to having good night's sleeps.

I used to have nightmares 3-4 times a week, then 3-4 times a month. After I finally told someone about my abuse and began coming to MS, I have nightmares about 3-4 times a year. I still have them, and I guess maybe always will, but I've noticed that they don't hang around as long as they used to before. Hopefully, this will be the same in your case.

the nightmares will soon be a thing of the past, they will come back now and again, but they will almost certainly get less scary as your mind confronts them,


When a traumatic memory leaves the subconscious mind it recreates the situation as a dream with the same energy or emotion> So just let it be released.

And as said before, healing is a cyclical process, rather a spiral. Each level of healing goes to a deeper level. Till its ALL CLEAR!!

If it is a recurring dream than it can be message. Most of my dreams are symbolic now and some are just releases.

Ask a rule before I sleep, I meditate for a while to clear my day's thoughts from mind and ask God to Take over. :)

Sweet dreams!

I don't often have the actual nightmares, because I almost never remember my dreams. My fear still lies in actually GOING to sleep to begin with. It's better, but still a struggle.

Do you have any medicine you can take that could help you to sleep? I am not so fond of medications that I push them at people, but I have seen and had for myself some that have worked greatly. Perhaps that would help you to go into a deeper sleep faster, and you wouldn't be so troubled by dreams? It is just a thought, I do not know it would work. Good luck.
