No where to turn

No where to turn

Jay M

I dont know what to do. I dont know how to make a meaningfull relationship wit some one I like very much. Things r so bad. I gotta be out next week n I dont wanna go but I got to cus I got my self in old troubles agen n he dont want me here while m doin that but I got to do that for smokes n booze n i need the smokes n booze to do that n there is so much crap in my head I jus cant think no more n I got to find a way to make it stop. Its a catch 22 n i jus cant see a way out n I jus dont know where to turn any more help please i dont know what to do please help me please
Jay, could you please call a crisis line? i don't know where in Canada you are but if you are in Ontario, i know you can look on the first or second page of your phone book for the numbers to call or call Mental Health Crisis Line 1-866-996-0991, or Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1-877-544-6424 or if you can't figure it out, even dial 0 for an operator and they will connect you. Please call someone, talk to someone, pm me if you want.


Good advice from Al. And if calling an emergency number doesn't work then get to your local hospital emergency room and the social worker can help connect you with a trained professional. What you need right now is support and safety until your brain and nervous system chill out a bit. Try not to think about whether to do what we're suggesting , just do it right away before you talk yourself out of it. Good luck Jay. We're here with you!

I am sorry you are feeling this way, make sure you find help. There is help out there keep looking.

Change will happen, nothing stays the same. Eventually things will improve.

Jay, if what you are doing is so bad that you friend won't let you live with him, you are into something rather risky. If you do things to make money for drugs and booze, then the first thing you will need to do is to get help with your addiction. If that gets under control, then you will not need the stuff and you will not have to do that bad things.
Peerhaps I am misjudging--but y0ou speak as onje who is addicted. That is not a bad word, it is simply an illness you have that is treatable.

Sure, I know that sounds as though I do not understand your problem. But, if I am correctly intuiting your situation, then you need help getting rid of the mood altering junk before you can have a life that is worthy of you.

You have taken a good step to come and seek the ideas of other guys here. You can beat this Jay--but not by yourself.


If what you're doing is this destructive, it's not worth doing. You're too valuable to everyone here. I KNOW you're too valuable for me to lose!

You are a special man, Silent Jay. I value you here. I know I haven't been around lately, but you mean more to me than I can say, and I don't want to lose you.

If you haven't done this in all your healing, call a rape crisis center, and they'll put you in touch with a therapist who can help you. And if things get REALLY bad (and they might, boyo), please please PLEASE call a mental health hotlien for emergency assitance. Or go directly to the nearest emergency room.

You know you can always contact me. I gave you my e-mail address a while back. Please use it.

I love you, my brother. Please stay well.


Sorry bout starting this post ima idiot n I shudnt of posted it sorry. I m movin out tomorrow so I prolly wont be back but ty to every body that was so nice to me n take care of your selves n the people u love cus one day they might be gone n u might be alone n its is a very sad thing when u got no where to go n no one to love. (((((((((((Hugs brothers))))))))))) stay safe.
I hope you get a chance to read this.

You are not an idiot, you came here because you thought it might help your pain. And I hope we have helped, however briefly.

Come back whenever you can friend.
