No Room At The Inn

No Room At The Inn
The Radisson is full and I am at the days Inn.

This arrangment may be ok, but if anyone was left with a two bed room and would like a roommate to cutt costs let me know. Also if anyone want to stay at the Day's Inn it is 62.00 for one and if someone roomed with me it would be about 35.00 each.

I am ok staying at the Days inn please let me know who else is staying there.
Hi Michael Joseph:
I am surprised that you were told there were no rooms. As of a couple of days ago, we were told by the hotel that our room guarantee was about 62% which means there should be still room available. You might not get them at the guaranteed discounted rate (which was extended with some pressure/begging from us). The room occupancy at the hotel affects our costs. We need to fill as many rooms for the conf as possible or else we lose money we don't have.

If any of you are considering coming, please stay at the hotel if possible. This is not about making money on people staying, but it is about the survival of the MaleSurvivor organization, as it looks like we will be losing money on this conf.

If the hotel is saying that they don't have any rooms left, please let me know.
