Originally posted by mikechurch:
Hi Tom:
Gotta take exception again. Are there bad Therapists? Sure there are. Just as there are bad cops, doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, pilots, Generals, Politicians, Dentists, Scientist and in any other profession or field you can think of. But to brand them all with the same stigma because of the few is totally unjust.
These are professional people, and many of those that help with SA are survivors themselves. The have gone to school and university for long hours and have sacrificed a lot of their free time to get where they are. Do they deserve to be compensated? Just as much as a surgeon who saves your life does.
N-E-V-E-R under ANY CIRCUMASTANCE rerlinquish any degree of control regardless of what any egotistical T says
Ton they are not all egotistical. Your comment, I think, is totally unfair to the profession for the reasons stated above.
In your original post you said:
Never, and this means N-E-V-E-R relinquish any degree of control to anyone, for any reason, at any time, regardless who they are or what say they posess.
How can I not do this with my Wife or Daughter or my very good friends. I mean if you choose to do it fine but you are missing a whole lot of life. It is my humble opinion tht control is shared in good relationships and that is as it should be.
I hate to have to say this, because I don't really want to keep stepping on your toes, but if you actually practice and believe what you are writing here, then I sense you have a dependancy problem holding other people in higher regard than yourself. I think the whole issue of responsibility and control is something you should closley examine, and not necessarily with your present T.
You should know all the nobel professions you mention are no better than the people who work in them, and the counseling profession; and I speak from first hand experience in my area, is compromised of some of the worst wash-outs from other professions, with some of the most deviant personal agenda anywhere, with no one dedicated solely toward the benefit of the client.
If an individual in the mid-Tn area enters the theraputic arena with any issue sexual in nature, they had better damn well maintain a clear head and complete control at all times unless being re-victimized is not a concern. There are simply no good/bad T's. The results can be devastating in this self policed profession. There is no system of accountability, requiring NO specilized training, and IF liscensing is even involved, it is done by the same branch of local govt that liscenses palm readers and used car lots.
But I will have to agree Mike, I have lost out on a bunch of life, but it is not simply because I choose to stay in control. I choose to stay away from substance abuse, prison or any other deviance that I know carries a consequence that I choose not to deal with, and if that choice leaves me alone with God, then so be it. I WILL remain in control, at all times, in EVERY circumstance.
Finally, I don't know your wife or daughter, but as the eldest male in my household, I am left with the responsibility to be the head, looked up to by both my family and by law. One thing you need to consider immediatly, is the fact that when someone in your household is involved with the law, especially minor children, then who do you think gets the warrant served on them? The head of the house hold with your last name, and it's not your wife, because she did not adopt you and change your name, but rather she changed her name when you married her. I have no problem with giving in, too frequently I admit and many times spoil them. But; I CHOOSE to.
Someone else start a thread on control.
quote: In this time of ecenomic uncertainty, it's easy to see who is dedicated to providing health care, and who is chasing bucks.
Tom S.