no more mister nice guy

no more mister nice guy


WARNING from ModTeam, September 2013: user "Shado
im tired of always doing the right thing you know? no more mister nice guy ,no more opening doors for little old ladies who are totaly shocked that i could be polite but are still scared shitless of me,no more connecting with little kids who are in the hospital and need a friend but just go ahead and die on me anyway. no more wondering if im wrong to hate god ,cause he just keeps dumpping shit on me anyway ,no more rehab cause people say its the best thing for me ,no more fucking therapy cause all they care about is having one more case history in their files,well adam maybe we could do a paper on your case and get published. no more trying just because its the right thing to do .no more lying about my family because im ashamed to tell the truth ,no more acting like its ok when its not ,no more being someone im not just cause somebody else is paying the bills. no more trying to give advice cause i dont have a fucking clue, no more staying straight just cause im expected to ,no more being strong, cause im more lying to myself thinking i'll be ok ,no more waiting for god to punish the evil ones . sorry not exactly a holiday post huh?
You're right. You're absolutely right. You're right to not do all those things for other people. Don't do rehab cause people say you should, no more helping a shrink publish his paper, no more lying about your family - it's their shame not yours, no more pretending, no more advice, and it's ok to be weak. and it's perfectly OK to hate god.
But please do things for you. You are so totally worth it. You are one of my heros. you've been through so much crap that it makes my stuff look like kindergarten.
It's ok to feel this way - even on a stupid holiday - that's when these feeling come out even more.
Please remember you gotta take care of yourself, no matter what.
Hi Adam,

Don't know what to say that could possibly add to what Paul said. Whatever you do, do it for you, Bro.


Adam, you are right, the eternal lie.
Lying about everything from how you feel to how you think, and how to live.
Your life was shaped by lying, but you can turn it around bit by bit.

Do the rehab, and the therapy, work on yourself and make yourself into the guy you obviously are.
Its hugely difficult to work on this stuff and think you are still in piles of shit.

It falls away as easy as it stuck.
Nothing is easy, but it is damn well impossible if you dont keep at it, and you will see the difference,


I echo what ste said, in that it is possible to get to the other side of this crap. But if nothing is done, perpetual pain is guaranteed. One issue may get cleared up while there are others still standing in line waiting to take a crack at us. It's those moments that can leave us feeling like there is nothing good getting done here.

Be angry, absolutely! But stick with what will help while being angry.


Something I've noticed lately is that a lot of us on M.S. are very down lately. According to what society says "The Holidays are a time for happiness and togetherness". I think its a load of crap a lot of the time. The holiday season is when families come together. It's a time when a lot of us have to deal with the very people that abused us. The holidays have a harsh way of reminding us of how hard things can be. I hate them sometimes. However, if you look hard enough, you'll see that there are many beautiful things out there that we miss. We are so intrenched in our own misery that we fail to notice the very things that can help us to escape that misery, or at least, for a moment.

Much love,
To thine ownself be true.........But, remember the truth will find you out....Maybe just Maybe your just a nice guy....what you think.....
well put wojax
thanks guys ,having friends makes it worth it , adam