no more mister nice guy
im tired of always doing the right thing you know? no more mister nice guy ,no more opening doors for little old ladies who are totaly shocked that i could be polite but are still scared shitless of me,no more connecting with little kids who are in the hospital and need a friend but just go ahead and die on me anyway. no more wondering if im wrong to hate god ,cause he just keeps dumpping shit on me anyway ,no more rehab cause people say its the best thing for me ,no more fucking therapy cause all they care about is having one more case history in their files,well adam maybe we could do a paper on your case and get published. no more trying just because its the right thing to do .no more lying about my family because im ashamed to tell the truth ,no more acting like its ok when its not ,no more being someone im not just cause somebody else is paying the bills. no more trying to give advice cause i dont have a fucking clue, no more staying straight just cause im expected to ,no more being strong, cause im more lying to myself thinking i'll be ok ,no more waiting for god to punish the evil ones . sorry not exactly a holiday post huh?