no more hurting myself for stupid stuff

no more hurting myself for stupid stuff


it's strange to write this - but i've come to a place where i feel secure enough now

i know i don't want to hurt myself for stupid stuff
things i don't care about -

life to me is more about working at projects i am wanting to do - and therapy mindfulness

as if you gotta self care for body mind soul-

i think it's important to keep relaxed and playful sport like and fun oriented - so that you don't

your system isn't taxed so -

i mean - i am keeping it together -
but i dont' have to be everywhere -

just right here - just right now taking care of myself - my body -

and not doing things that i may not truly want to do -

taking care not to self hurt - is job one -
and it feels great -

and so it's a pleasure and so mellow
doing this. i like it. :)


I think you are exactly right. At the end of the day, feeling safe and "in place" in the world is all about happiness. And in the contemporary world it is so easy to slip away, without realizing it, from the things that genuinely make up happy and bring us peace. We have to work on that just like we work on everything else.

Much love,
mark, i hope its ok for me to ask you this...dont answer if its too personal--but what do you mean by hurting yourself? in what way do you hurt yourself? dont answer if its too personal. thank you
sorry kuurt -

I forgot about this post - what I meant was I working too hard - maybe for 'unimportant things'

like - cleaning the house so well - it's clean enough - but I can get so caught up in details -

and obsess on them for the art of creation as some point -

I have learned now to step back - as I start to get exhausted - and even before and

take a breath and say 'ok what's the priority here'

what's most important - how can i think about this

with what's the most valuable thing for what I need ?

I found this inclination to lead to a kind of self abuse - because I would be so tired in the end and not be able to do my 'real work.'
anyway - I dunno if this makes sense.