No clue whatso-freakin-ever

No clue whatso-freakin-ever


Is it just me or do others feel like some family members and others around you don't have a damn clue what's going on in your life?

"You seem sad lately," per coworker. :confused:

Maybe remembering my father beating the shit out of me for forgetting to take the garbage out and my brother having sex with me makes me a little sad, o.k.? :mad:

Sorry. Was having a moment.
yeah family dont know whats going on, but thats what some pople are like, they seem like they dont know whats going on but in actual fact they just want to forget about it and see you happy , but it doesnt help. I cant really say much, because i dont have family anymore so if i pissed you even more then im sorry, cause im rubbish at givning advice
No clue? How could they have a clue unless they have been thru it? There are a couple of things to remember. If they notice and ask, maybe it is because they care. But no matter how much they care, they just can't understand and you can't make them understand. But mostly, they really don't care, and your ill temper is just a put-off.

Lucky for you, and all of us here, that this place exists so we can vent little bit where someone really does understand and cares a lot.
I think there's a general unssaid agreement in families about secrets and what will be ignored.

Inevitably, the abused member is looked upon as the screwed-up one. And no one takes a crazy person seriously, do they?
It is a sad fact, families can forget, we can't, my family know about the abuse, but it is well in the past now for them, but how can it for me, or for you?

What about the kids who never told their families, don't even want to know about that one!!! Some shit they must have to live through, and the family thinkin the kid is nuts....Sigh....

Long spells of unemployment, broken relationships, etc.,etc., the list is infinate with all the negative things drowning out the positives.

Eddie...We've all got each other, we will get thru, we deserve it after fighting this beast
for all of our lives.

You're entitled to your 'moment', so take it and use it.
'Moments' make us feel better ;)


Even though I feel I have "freak" tatooed on my forehead, I realize that the average person I deal with hasn't a clue of what goes on.

Dave is right. Have your "moment". And let it out.

You are an inspiration my friend. For being so forthright.


I don't have family members. I never knew my parents and my sisters are no longer living near me, we don't see each other or speak. I guess what I'm trying to say is. I wish I had family at least for a little while. Even if they didn't understand or know what I was going through. Then I think. They put me in this situation and I don't even know why.