
I just whant this to end. I stsrted having nightmeres again and I don't know why. I don't know how to stop them. I know he can't hurt me. I know that my fear is stupid yet I'm still afraid. what if I'm wrong, if I'm not strong. I don't feal very strong right now. Everyone around me even the few that know are like whats your problem. I just whant to have one peiceful nights sleep. i feal like I'm doing everything wrong. I let him go. I was too afraid to face him. Does that make me a bad person? Is he just hurting someone else? I'm afraid that I can't protect myself. I'm confused and tired. Thankyou anyone who reads this.
Hi Jonathan,
Wish I could say something to help you rest. I am fortunate in not having nightmares, but can't sleep without the distraction of tv keeping my mind away from me.

It takes courage and inner strength to post like you did, you're a good person for sharing, it helps us and it helps you by getting it out. And you're not stupid! Stupid is letting it fester unsaid.

The people around you can never understand how hurt you are, but the people around here do understand. When time is right for you, you will be able to face the person who has hurt you, whether you say anything to the person or just walk away, your point will have been made.

Don't burn up with hate and don't let that person occupy you one moment longer, he or she is not worth it. Sleep easy my friend.

i feal like I'm doing everything wrong.

You show a lot of strength coming here to post about something so painful and so personal. I remember how I used to come here and just read the posts. I knew I needed to be here, but I was afraid.

After a while, I read enough that I could screw up my courage and begin posting. Once I did, I took a big step in my own recovery.

Guys in pain come around here, and they see that you are able to write about stuff that hurts, maybe stuff they know all too well in their own lives. One of those guys might be able to screw up his own courage enough to take big step toward recovery after reading one of your posts.

I wish I could help with your nightmares. I hope I can help you see that you are doing so much right.


Hello Jonathan,

These nightmares are really difficult. We can't use reason with them. They come for some reason, but I can't figure out what it is. It is the worst part of the path to wellness, in my opinion.

These things can come even when you are so tired you are sure you will sleep soundly. I think it must be our psyche doing something to get us to see something or admit something to ourselves.

All I can say Jonathan, is that eventually they become less intense and less often. It is a cliche, but if you can do things that make you happy or be with people that make you happy, eat a favorite food, do some exercise. All of that helps, especially if we can get to where we are doing them for themsleves, and not as a cover up, of our fear of the nightmares.

I wish you the best. Don't lose hope friend.

Hi Jonathan
Sorry to hear about your nightmeres.
I too have been having nightmeres this last month. It has been hell for me ,getting no sleep at all some nights. One thing that I try to do is talk my way out of them. I have been trying to make myself wake up right away before I get into it too long. Waking up stops the nightmeres but its hell for the lost sleep.

i feal like I'm doing everything wrong. I let him go. I was too afraid to face him. Does that make me a bad person? Is he just hurting someone else? I'm afraid that I can't protect myself.
You did nolthing wrong & you are not a bad person. You must think of your self 1st. Most victims are unable to deal with their perps at first. With help you will get stronger and be able to protect your self. Your healing is the most important thing in your life at this time. Some day you may be strong to take on your perp. Hope you have a good T that helps you talk thing out. Muldoon

I can't add anything else to the wisdom of the others except to encourage you to come here more frequently and particpate even if it is only to say "hi" I am feeling lonely today, or I am feeling pretty incredible today.

Taking MS "daily" has the capacity to act as a powerful organic vitamin that enables a person to cross the bridge from being a victim to a survivor.

We can't take away your nightmares, but we can share your dreams and become part of a panel who lives within your mind helping you make helpful judgements, and reminding you of things you already know, which may help quell the secret fears that haunt you in your sleeping hours.

That's how we get better here at MS. We replace old tapes with new kind loving supportive voices.

Come here and more often and build new friendships, new allies in your inner spirit. When you feel not so alone, the power of the demons within diminishes, and often times is completely eradicated. It is a matter of having allies.

We are your allies Jonathan, so come, stay and visit with us dear friend.

Be well,
