mine stoped when I was about 18 or 19.
I don't really remeber why they stoped, maybe cause i got used to having them and stoped focusing on them (i know this sounds wierd), and started focusing on other stuff in my life.
Its as if they hit a zenith and then slowly began to decline in freqency and did not posess the same power over me.
I'm not really sure if i had started the original decline in the pattern, but at that point in my life I began to have more (alot more) control over my life in general. Decisions imfluencing me, my freinds, what i would choose to do for life, my occupation, and stuff like that. And, at times it seemed daunting and very scary, but i was still heavly invollved or invested in the prosses and later began to gain some mastery over it.
my only advise is to try to gain so mastery in yur own lives, where you all ready have some control; focus on the day time in places where you have a sense of control. Also, try n ot to think about it chronicly (I know, easier said than done). And when you do think about it or have an invassive thought, try hard to reasure yourselves.
What i do is tell my self that 'its in the past' and 'he can't hurt me now' or 'the only person that has and can control this (thought) is you, you didn't have control then but you do now.' Mostly try to think of something else, something that brought you pride or something beatiful or whatever, just try to gain control over your own thought process. And, the more you can reasure youself the easy it will be and more effective it will be and the more control over your selve you will feel and gain.
i Know this sounds weird, and it may not work for everyone, but i think its like a self destuctive cycle, one in which you have to break out of.
so when you wake up, say to your self, "its just a memory, nomatter how bad it feels right now and so it can not hurt me."
good luck-hope this helps and feel free to PM me