Night terrors (huge trigger warning)

Night terrors (huge trigger warning)


I don't know where to start. Almost a month ago my therapist told me he was moving to another state and I have to wait still another week to see a new one. I've been having night terrors every night. A lot of them have related to shame about feeling sexual desire, involving my penis falling off in my hand while masturbating. Another was when I saw a commercial (in my dream) advertising a device women could use to castrate men, and it was demonstrated on a drugged unconscious live man. Another was that a woman could see the outline of my genitals in my pants while I was at a convenience store and was offended and called the police, who then came and emasculated me for the crime of having a penis.

A close friend and foster brother had hernia surgery on his groin muscle recently and I had panic dreams that a frustrated misandrist nurse cut off his penis. One of the guys who supports me and protected me in other nightmares was now "dickless" himself!

The most recent nightmare was that I met a woman and began to date her. We were in her bedroom one night about to have sex for the first time. She saw my penis and said she "wasn't going to need that" and cut it off with a pair of scissors and then suffocated me while she forced me to perform oral sex on her. I'm afraid to sleep tonight honestly.
I've never had nightmares focused on castration, but I can certainly identify with nightmares themed around shame and sexual desire.

I used to have recurrent dreams of just talking to a woman, then being put on trial for rape, and even dreams of being completely passive and pushed into having sex with a woman, being entirely unable to move during it, , then accused of rape afterwards.
For me, they were always tied to genophobia, they mostly went away when I met my wife, but even now they happen occasionally.

I'm afraid I haven't really found any solution beyond standard things like physical exercise, and yes, I'll admit it, trying not to go too long without taking care of sexual desires, either alone or with someone else, since for me at least, the link between arousal and nightmares was always clear.

Really sorry your going through this, and hope your new therapist can help.

Aerobic exercises like running, swimming, or cycling are generally helpful for sleep, or a mix of aerobic and anaerobic, IE weights.

I try myself to do a 15 minute weight routine plus a 25 minute hard run each day, and find that helps with sleep, I've been out of the habit for the last few weeks and am just getting back into it now.

Its also to do with comfort and time and not getting stressed out. The zombies run game helps me with this, especially with being able to run as part of a story, I Posted this topic about it, but again, your mileage may vary, I know neither zombie adventure stories, sim building games or audio dramas aren't' everyone's thing.

the only slight double edged sword with exercise, is that it does increase libido which can have its own knock on effects.


I have never had dreams or night mares of being castrated but I castrating others or impaling others specially in my 20's and 30's. I was raped as a child. I get night maires now of all the bad things i did as a kid and the abuse that happen to me. But have found the more i talk about the upsetting they are. that is what works for me.