welcome to a group of great brothers here.
sorry both you and i and the others had to be here but we are and we are working on getting healed ( or at the least at being better than we were before we showed up here or at a t).
no pressure here, no time limits,just what you want to share and post.
nothing is too odd, surprising, or difficult to take. me, our brothers, and possibly you have been altered and changed from our experiences. some for the good, and some for the not so good.
i have been here only 4 months or so now. i hid mine from when i was ten for 31 years.
finally dealing with it, do have a t. am i o.k.?, hell no, a long way to go but my secret is now out and i am beginning a path of i don't know what. but i am here, i am alive, i am breathing, and i am focused that i gotta get better or at least learn to live with the shit i hid for so long. i am no longer living a lie or pretending i am strong and all that bullshit.
take care, p.m. me if you have any questions or needs.
take care, guy