new york

new york


nyc - well done pics

ok - i don't know why i am exposing this about me -

but i am originally from new york -

my grand dad did something complete out of the ordinary for his ethnic group -

he owned a diner - down at bleecker and prince -

or somewhere around there - i can point out the old structure - if they haven't bulldozed it -

but i guess my mind this am went back to

this trip to greenwhich village in the mid to late eighties -

i was so hoping someone would help me come out -

i was visiting an aquaintaince in nyc who lived in Alphabet city - a 400 dollar a month cell -

bath tub kitchen sink all in one -
it was wild -

we went to the strand book store and veselka's for granola for breakfast -

lots of funky things -

i don't like new york at all any more -

not at all - but

it taught me much -
yes vh - i know you do that is a good thing

i am glad you are there

i love toronto

i am glad i am here!

it's good to love where you live no?
vern -

i was thinking about you on the way home -
the entire walk pretty much -

i was thinking about a lot of things -
anger - confusion - whatever -

but i got calmer -
i saw what you were teaching me -
something that has taken me a lot of pain and suffering to learn - many times over -

please please please - don't linger on hating people who don't meet your expectation -

- it is not fair to them or you - or you or them -

you deserve to go for what you want - the more you do - the more it will be clear -

i am not saying it won't be hard - but once you get into your groove it will make more sense -

you don't deserve to be angry -

you deserve to get the stuff back that you want -

but people who don't meet that expectation are saying - hey - there may be something that you thought was there - but there isn't -
but it's not their fault - there is a time to heal - but not at least a time to inflict worse stuff that actually happened -

peace be with you -

god bless -
