to begin, you are who you are. because of my past, i get sexual pleasure from many things i shouldnt, including penetration. i have learned that part of me is forever part of me. it is kind of like trying to pretend you're a woman when you are all man, you can deny what you really are, but the physical facts say otherwise. i have also learned that what feels good, feels good. it's okay to enjoy the sensations and feelings of these things. liking to be penetrated doesnt make you a pervert or a monster. it is just a sexual act, like a thousand others. relax and enjoy who and what you are.
i also want to talk to you about choice. we can enjoy a thing, and still choose for other reasons not to partake of it. i enjoy sex with strange women, but because i have promised my self to another, i dont act on it. only you can judge if enjoying penetration is something you need to avoid, or if it can be a healthy part of your life. if so, you can examine it, and decide what limits you need to place on it. clearly the bottle and vegi are perhaps over the line, but there are toys. now that your wife knows the truth, perhaps she might even be willing to explore that part of things.
though i havent acted on it since i was like 13 or 14, i am turned on by bestiality. my wife and i roleplay in order that i can express that part of me without crossing any lines. for me, actually having my wife do an animal would be immoral big time, but we can pretend without offeneding our faith or our morality.
i believe that you will find what happened affects you far more than you yet realize. you are in the right place to explore just how much more. keep asking and keep talking, you'll be amazed how much it helps.