new to this site and hurting!!

new to this site and hurting!!


It wasn't until a few years ago when I got into my early 30's that I sought psychotherapy to find out why I could not hold on to a relationship, why I turned away from anyone who seemingly loved me, and sought only those who would hurt me. I sought professional help to find out why I had occassional outbursts of anger and rage combined with an inability to sleep and a feeling of fear surrounding me. The nightmares still persist.
I also needed to find out why I had a food addiction, seeking food as a source of comfort, indulging in binge eating and purging.

Several months into therapy during one session I just blurted out, "who knows, maybe I was raped as a kid by my father"; yet, having no recollection of such a heinous, represensible act by a this very soft-spoken, gentle, kind rancher and oil man.
My dad was anything but the stereotpyical flashy Texas rancher or oil type, coming from a ranching family in Texas as far back as 1831. It just didn't make sense.

I only have three recollections that my father may have abused me, in addition to the tears that I feel welling up in my hurting blue eyes. I remember that my parents did not sleep together and would crawl in bed every night with my father. He would take me in his arms and snuggle me, his big barrel chest next to mine. I remember that the few times my mother entererd into his bedroom (yes, they kept separate bedrooms) he would immediately push me away so that my mother could not see the intimacy that was going on. This confused me and seem to say to me that there was something wrong, or even "dirty" happening. Beyond that, I have no recollection of penetration, or touching his genitals, or vice-versa.

When I was 9 years old I experienced rectal bleeding. When I was told a proctoscope examination was going to be performed and the procedure was explained to me, and I was shown the tiny tube that would be inerted in my rectum, I went in to blind hysteria and screamed for more than 30minutes until I had lost my voice, crying and refusing for the physician to insert this tiny tube into my rectal canal. After giving me a sedative he could not understand or explain why there was tearing of tissue in my rectal canal, literally blaming it on undigestable popcorn kernals. A small rural town more than 30 years ago there was no concept of child sexual abuse nor did anyone know how to look for the signs. Only one other act can I recall, and it was a tune I made up and I would sing while doing push ups not altogether different than sexual intercouse all the time singing "Daddy, daddy, I love you so much I could beat you up to death" At 7 years old?

I wish someone would help me. Are these indeed signs that I was sexually abused as a child? Are the memories so painful and reprehensible that I can not recall any act that might have occured, other than what I have mentioned. Have I been able to repress these memories that deeply? Maybe it wasn't my father, but someone else? Maybe it never happened at all?

Two behaviorial patterns emerged that also point to my having been sexually abused. Between the summer of my second and third grade years there was a sudden change from a very bright, happy, enthusiastic child who brought home straight A's was at the top of his class, considered gifted, popular, athletic, and a natural born leader, to someone who suddenly became withdrawn, quiet, and to himself, spurning friends. Also, around the age of 10 my father completely ignored me, shutting me out of his life and from that point on never showed me any sort of affection, gave any sort of encouragement or praise, and put me to work on our ranch during those hot Texas summers auguring post holes, stretching barbed wire, bailing hay, and dipping cattle, all under a ranch forman's tutelage. From that moment on, I hardly saw my father, I never was hugged by him again, and felt that I must have done something terribly, terribly wrong.

About the time my father shut me out of my life, my mother became physically and verbally abusive, beating me for not getting up by 5am on Saturdays to work, humiliating me in front of family friends and relatives, and reminding me of how useless and worthless I was. This continuted until I was 17 and left home for to go to college. Between my father's ineffectual behavior, concomitant my mother's hateful demeanor, I truly thought this was a normal way of living all the way until I reached my 30's.

My folks died a few years ago so I have no ability to find closure. I just wish I could find a way to recall what if anyting really happened with my father. It seems so completely out of place that this man, a gentle, but ruggedly masculine, quiet type of man could have that much evil in his heart. I never knew love from either of them, and I don't think I ever felt love toward them, only fear. I think it's amazing that I have turned out as sane as I am, but it's also time to move on. Please share any thoughts. I'm hurting, still alone, which I feel I have been my entire life.
Hey Tex,
Welcome, I'm sorry that you're hurting and feeling alone. You're not alone. I don't have any great advice for you, I've never dealt with trying to remember... I always remembered everything and I've been trying hard to forget.
But I do understand feeling fear toward your father vs. love. I understand having someone pretend to love you just so they can take advantage, that hurts a lot. I also understand about the outbursts and seeking people to hurt you. In my case I found them, just didn't know it at the time.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll find the answers. It's frustrating I know to have to work/wait for it. Someone on here told me it don't happen overnight and that I should take my time, that was excellent advice.

I'm here if you need to talk.


You may well have been abused, the two signs being your reaction to the exam when you were a kid and the damage to your colon. I'm not a doctor, but wait a minute, I don't think popcorn kernals can do that kind of damage.

All the rest of the feelings you describe are also typical of survivors of sexual abuse, so if I were you I would work for now on the assumption that yes, it did happen.

Abusers can be apparently good fathers and community leaders, and in fact that's one way they hide from public view. It's terrible to have to think that your father may have done this, but it is possible. That said, if you don't have more complete memories then it could have been someone else too.

The best way to deal with this is to seek the help of a psychologist with experience in cases of male sexual abuse. Yout therapist will be able to get you through your issues with the least possible new pain and trauma.

I also hope you will continue to participate here. This is a great venue for talking about the things we need to find answers and solutions for. Just find your own pace though, don't rush things.

Much love,
TC, i do know this, a person can totally block out memories. i did most of my life. amazing something you can't even remember can effect everything you do, but it can.

only you will finally be able to answer your questions. did your father abuse you? it is possible, but only you can find those answers. at the very least, having your parents pull away and change so sudden is bound to cause a kid problems.

keep sharing here. these men gave me the courage to get help, and to speak out. it is a good place to be for men that are dealing with abuse, and even if ultimately you decide it wasnt abuse, for the moment you are still wondering and dealing with it as abuse.
TC, Football coach, Quiet, Masculine, Church Leader, Never Cursed, Never touched alcohol, traveled through the countryside giving speeches at high school graduations and church services.
Sound familiar?....or at least a little.

That was my father. My memories were repressed until I was 55. The journey you are about to begin is not an easy one, but an important one.
One more thing, I never felt love from my father either. Don't underestimate the affect that that can have on a young boy. I find that trying to fill that void and trying to make myself feel worthy even to be living.....sounds so dramatic, but it's true....comes as much from the lack of love as it does from the abuse. I do feel, however, that in the case of our fathers each is a part of the other. On the other hand, my father attempted to show me some love and affection in his later years. Always tried too hard, though. Didn't work.

This will sound horrible, and I don't mean it to. Your experience with the doctor and his discovery of torn rectal tissue will become a very important thing to you. With repressed memories, at least in my case, you are always looking for concrete evidence....something to hang on to, some sort of proof that the memories are real, since much of the writing about them is in the negative. You have probably the most specific evidence there can be. I have none.

Our situaions are very similar. I'll be glad to talk if you ever should want to. Welcome. I'm so sorry you have this in your life. Bobby
Professional help should be very useful; but I know that you already know that some of your questions will never be answered 100%.
Many of the details of your story do sound familiar; many of your wounded brothers here at MS have similar memories. Clearly, something awful did happen to that wonderful, bright, outgoing little boy. Reconnect with him and join us on the up hill, slow road to recovery.
We are here to help each other. Keep comin' back!
Much respect and love, etc.,