New Therapist

New Therapist
I want to switch therapist because she doesn't seem to have the expertise of helping male survivors of SA. Is there a list on the web some where I can pick from? Do any of you have recommendations? By the way I live in Irvine, Southern California Orange County
BTR - Check the top of this page, on the right. Click on Resources and you might find a therapist in your area, otherwise someone here might be able to help you. Good luck and good for you for recognizing that your therapist isn't working out. Of course it would have been good of her to tell you she wasn't experienced in this field, could have saved you some time and money. - Peace - John
Dear-Born, I couldn't resist the pun, sorry.

Ya, there are a couple of good things that guys here have used to find good therapists. # one could have been the therapist that you had. That is to say, she could have been a good resource to help you find someone more qualified. Sometimes T arrogance gets in the way of that route.

Another avenue to a good contact is the local crisis or crises lines, rape or otherwise, where they keep referral lists of folks who specialize in Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA).

Our best, and sometimes most effective tool guy is Ken Singer of our site. He belongs to several professional organizations and has helped members to find therapists. We have other professionals who moderate or are otherwise connected to our site, whom you may hear from as well.

You could be of great service in finding someone we could recommend to others.

Good luck and if you get stuck on any of these trails, let me know.

Hey, BTR

Just want to say "Welcome". Unfortunate the reason you found your way here but glad you did. I have found this to be a great place with a bunch of guys that truly care each other.

