New poster

New poster


I've been lurking around here for some time now. It's only fair, I guess, to introduce myself. I'm Tom. This is such an incredible place! I have already found a number of posts helpful.

Maybe the reasons I haven't posted have to do with denial, fear, and shame. I only started suspecting sexual abuse five years ago - and I'm fifty! At any rate, I've found some people who understand (besides my therapist) and you'll probably get tired of hearing from me. :D Anyway, hi.
Welcome Thomas,

I know this site and organization has been very helpful for me. I'm glad that you have found this wonderful site and at the same time am sorry that the need is there. There are so many helpful articles on the home page, check them out if you haven't already. I have found the conference to be a wonderfully rewarding experience. I haven't had the opportunity to attend a retreat as of this time, but have heard nothing but wonderful reviews of them.

These are the greatest bunch of guys you'll find anywhere. We'll try to help and give insight when possible and give support when needed.

There is so much that can be learned by reading posts. Some more by posting your concerns and questions. A place you can rant and get it off your chest. And I have found out a lot about myself by responding to posts.

A peasure to meet you Tom, I am glad you are now able to start posting. I just started really posting recently myself after "lurking" for awhile. THis is a great place for help, and I am sure it will help you. You don't need to feel shame or anythig else here, we all know how you feel, so just be yourself, and post till you can't post no more. And good luck with your healing, I will be hoping only the best for you.

Tom: I can only add to what the others have said. Welcome.

SA has a devastating effect on our lives.

In my case I never forgot but also thought it was no big deal. I mean I was told to get over it. I was not the first and I would not be the last. It happened when I was a teenager and another memory surfaced about when I was a child. I am 62 now and did nothing fo 40 years.

There is a unique brotherhood here and I welcome you into it.
Welcome Tom. I am sad, as always, that you have such need for this place, but I am glad that you find it. I hope that you post more as you feel comfortable, and realize what the site and the members here can do to help. I wish you well.

Hi there, and I'm glad you find MS such a good place.

There's such good support here, and the advice is always free and helpful.

I hope we do hear a lot of you as well, sharing our pasts makes our futures so much better.
