I am currently at this very precise moment in the throws of EMDR. I have had 2 sessions. I just finished my second session today. My next session is in 5 days. My therapist says that I am making progress in it. For me it has been very sucessful in identifying core areas of raw emotional pain. I can tell you that for me it is very intense. Actually it is the most intense of all the therapy I have yet experienced in 6 months.
I still have a ways to go, but it seems to be doing something. I am piecing some things together. My younger brother had the same therapy and he says it made a world of difference for him in coping with the abuse. I have had others testify that it changed their life for the better. I am still in the middle of it so at this point, I can only tell you that it is very intense and from my perspective it is accessing my subconscious "inner child" in ways, that I haven't been able to do before.
My t told me that unfortunately, in the field of psychology, you have to get worse to get better. You have to feel the pain. And I can tell you that I have felt the pain with EMDR like no other therapy. I don't think that means that it is bad, and I am again, not trying to scare you. Just remember that you are in control, and if you need to slow down or even stop for the day because it does get a little much you can. I am looking forward to the end result.
And some people, my therapist told me, don't even react to it the way I do, and they still have great results and their triggers disappear and they have curative results.
I wish you the very best. Keep us updated.