New Path

New Path


The other day at therapy my therapist asked if I wanted to begin to work with EMDR.He explained the experience and some of the very positive effects it could have to aid me in understanding my approach to the abuse I suffered,and that for me it may help pave the way for some healing.We went all the way through the therapy works and it seems that it is certainly worth giving a try. I was wondering,have any of you out there have been through this,and what benifits you derived from it.

Kieran I have not tried it. But your therapist is saying give it a try. Trust me!! Brother we gotta start doing it some time. What better time than with someone you do trust. Will it work? I have had some say yes and some say no. What really matters here is will it work for you?? How will you ever be sure unless you try it. Remeber too that your T is there to help you. We are dealing with our minds you know and for all our genius through history I think we know diddly about how it works. I think your attitude is Ive got nothing to lose and everything to gain. I for one will support you no matter what you decide to do. My god I will try anything if I think it will work. EG. I have tried so much medication right now I feel like a walking pharmacy but my P and I will get it right for ME
I can not speak from personal experience, but from that of a partner. My boyfriend did many sessions of EMDR and while he found it extremely difficult, tiring and emotional-it really gave him some major breakthroughs and helped me get rid of his nightmares and many of the links that were occuring during flashbacks. He came out of them pretty shook up, but totally felt like it was worth it going through all the memories that way. Best of luck to you Kieran.
I am currently at this very precise moment in the throws of EMDR. I have had 2 sessions. I just finished my second session today. My next session is in 5 days. My therapist says that I am making progress in it. For me it has been very sucessful in identifying core areas of raw emotional pain. I can tell you that for me it is very intense. Actually it is the most intense of all the therapy I have yet experienced in 6 months.
I still have a ways to go, but it seems to be doing something. I am piecing some things together. My younger brother had the same therapy and he says it made a world of difference for him in coping with the abuse. I have had others testify that it changed their life for the better. I am still in the middle of it so at this point, I can only tell you that it is very intense and from my perspective it is accessing my subconscious "inner child" in ways, that I haven't been able to do before.

My t told me that unfortunately, in the field of psychology, you have to get worse to get better. You have to feel the pain. And I can tell you that I have felt the pain with EMDR like no other therapy. I don't think that means that it is bad, and I am again, not trying to scare you. Just remember that you are in control, and if you need to slow down or even stop for the day because it does get a little much you can. I am looking forward to the end result.

And some people, my therapist told me, don't even react to it the way I do, and they still have great results and their triggers disappear and they have curative results.

I wish you the very best. Keep us updated.