New. Now what?

New. Now what?


Why am I here? What great mystical answer did i think the Internet would serve me up via its chief sorceror Google? But here i am typing.

Anger is the defining feeling of my life. Suppressed simmering rage, always just below the surface. I'm not really a quiet person, i just seem like i am because i spend all my time trying to STFU cause i'm afraid of what stinging comment i'll make next. I'm so sick of being angry, literally sick, my life is one long panic attack. That moment of adrenaline shock, hollow rush in the chest, butterfly stomach - that instant that happens to everyone, sustained for days or weeks on end in me.

Always waiting for the next crisis or disaster and relieved when it finally happens because it ends the suspense. Temporarily. But its false, those signals are false because the feeling of impending doom is a short circuit, i know now, feeling like disaster is about to strike at any moment when it really isn't, when things are basically OK, i've been able to notice it better for a few years now but oh man it ain't workin' today.

This is going to be a long, incoherent rant of nonsense. Bail now if your eyes are crossing already. I'm afraid on top of everything else i recently found out i was diagnosed with schizophrenia after my abuse period ended, but that's freed me in a way - i used to think i was "just crazy" :D . I don't have to wonder why i get so incomprenesible to other people or why it seems like they speak another language. An odd source of relief but i'll take what i can get.

Oh, boy. I have no one to talk to and i feel like i have to tell "every part" of this mess so if you're still here reading, settle in and get a drink or something, this inflight movie's gonna be long if i don't wuss out and close the browser before i post it.

I was abused by the family babysitter for G-d only knows how many years, but judging by what i can remember of the times we lived in that place it was likely between the ages of 4 or 5ish and ending at 11 or 12ish.

That's such an effing ridiculous paragraph it doesn't even seem real.

So that happened. And it's bad enough, as well as the denial, the parental denial and uselessness... i'm so angry at them, the poor stupid bastards, they were having their own problems and i've had to figure everything out myself. This happened and I had to remember, I apparently witnessed a suicide attempt by my mother and she and my father wrestling with a gun and i i had to be told, i have a good strong dose of paranoid schizophrenia and had to figure that out myself and get it "confirmed." The school psychologist, diagnosing me so young, apparently thought it would do me "more harm than good" to go forward with this, and maybe, with the drugs they had in the early 80s, he was right? Guess i'll never know.

But all the pretending nothing was wrong with me to make sure i had a 'normal' life... Guess what? DIDN'T WORK!! Did i mention was angry?

The current issue is what's getting to me now, however. I recently ended a terribly unhealthy and mutually self-destructive relationship with the woman i thought i was going to stay with forever.

Geez, another ridiculous paragraph.

But i see now, again on my own thanks to years of practice and not having a choice, all the power issues. She pushes my buttons semi-aware she's doing so and sends me into Victim mode, and as an unwitting master of the art myself, i know a champion-level passive agressor when i see one. They may have to pop me in the nose a few times first but i see them eventually, oh yes! Can't get one by me.

this week's game was an annual favorite. it's called "hide the child on the birthday." Mind you, her birthday was a short time before, and i took them out to dinner, despite being broke and fielding daily calls from bill collectors.

Yay guilt! Look, see, i'm a worthwhile male, i buy you food, love me. Yeah.

On the note of guilt, please understand that there is *SO MUCH MORE* to this, that it goes without saying i'm no saint, and that while i was never physically abusive in any way (and thought i must be 'all better and fine nowadays' because of it, that proves it right?) i am quite capable of being a world-class bastard and i react to pain inflicted on me by being a jerk, like a scared animal with a degree in Biting Sarcasm.

But i finally realized something about our current level of "relationship," which is i show up about once a week and have some time with our daughter, and she acts like i'm a human being. we talk. we'll watch a movie sometimes. she's the only person i talk to in the world, which all leads to the power issue i'm getting at regarding support: when she withdraws it.

what a neat trick. the day before my birthday she doesn't return my call. All day on it, which is when i usually visit anyway... oh g-d, please tell me that wasn't just 2 days ago... no answer, no return call. Not knowing what else to do, i show up at her house around the time i usually would.


I stand in the cold for an hour and a half.


No answer on the cellphone. No return. Not even the cold courtesy of a "piss off."

Because of course it's all about the power she can grab now, and punishing me - whatever need she's serving by this ambush, that's her replacement for therapy. I've had mine in other ways. I understand the concept. It still sucks.

And i'm furious. I mentioned that, right?

ANd partly i know why.

If a man married a woman who had been raped, one would hope he'd be a little underdstanding of touchy sexual issues she might have. If he demanded sex on his schedule, if he made any hesitation she exhibited all about him, if he KNEW she'd been raped and decided it wasn't his problem, she should just "let it go" or "talk about it" a few times so we could all move on and get back to fulfilling "his needs," that man would be universally despised, women's rights groups would be as we say here in philly ALL UP IN HIS FACE, they'd make a popular TV movie about the miserable pig and the fictional TV heroine would with the empowerment and support of friends, loved ones, and a street-smart tough yet caring counselor, lift herself up and out and leave the SOB forever and be applauded for it.

I'm sure you can all see where this is going, right?

ANd i ask myself, great flaming balls of sewage (insert actual much stronger language), WTF was i thinking for 5 years during all this? Why didn't i realize she was an abuser too, just like everyone else i've let use guilt and shame and fear control me? How sick and angry am i when i can't get out of my head over and over again -

she knew i'd been abused as a child - and it wasn't her problem.

she knew sex would frequently make me sick, and ashamed, and scared - and DIDN'T CARE.

she knew that this sort of sudden intimate dysfunction had happened to me with every partner i've ever had - and it was all about her. She was too fat (meaning really, of course, i was a pig for not wanting to have sex with her because she's too fat) (she isn't even fat ffs! she ain't kate friggin moss but that's the last GD thing i cared about), i was having an affair, i made the mistake of telling her i was bisexual and then it was because i was having an affair with men (aargh!), etc etc so on and so forth.

Not once was it ever entertained that, as my loving wife and a nice human being who cared about me, her getting off when she wanted to might occasionally take a back seat to my friggin' trauma-induced flashbacks and feelings of lust/disgust and shame and self-loathing that stemmed from this cross-wiring.

I'm drained. There's more, of course, so much more, and i realize you all know that but there's so little trust in me, that nagvoice is going "they'll misunderstand, they won't get it, you have to write a GD autobiography so they'll understand you."


all i want is for her to understand this: that in my long miserable cycle of abuse and seeking abusers to hold power over me, she was one too. it's okay. sh! happens. it's over now. we're moving on, and sadly we're probably going to move on seperately since there's been so much, too much, i think i pretty effectively killed any real love she might have felt for me anyway. but i want her to know and acknowlege this, and understand the truth of it. and it won't ever happen. she didn't believe me when we were together, why now when i've left and all the problems she has has ever had or will ever had are my fault?

if past precedent is any example, in a week or 2 at most it will be back to 'pretending this little incident never took place.' But when things just keep getting worse, i can't even trust that. i can't trust anything any more. Here's a situation that can't be run from, can't be abandoned, can't be left behind or ignored or forgotten.

All she wanted when i met her was a child, a daughter, all she thought or spoke or talked about, and i felt so worthwhile to give her one - look, see, i reproduced, i have a woman a baby, i gave you what you've wanted all your life, i'm a worthwhile man, love me! - and now i'm in a state of sheer terror 99% of the time. How does this situation end? How does this get better? How does this get fixed? How can i get to the mythical place when i don't feel like i've been punched in the stomach all day every day? How the HELL did i let things get here and how do i make it right?

so now what?

... lil help?
Hi Wandering,

You ask a lot of questions in that last paragraph. You've taken a good step toward answering those questions just by coming here and talking verbalizing your pain in print to the rest of us. Welcome. All of us in one way or another have asked those questions, shouted in anger at the sky, wept our hearts out into our pillow, etc. In fact many of us till do from time to time.

Your little boy, the boy that was abused from such a young age is still crying out to be understood, held, and comforted. Hopefully he and you will find some of that understanding and comfort here.

Anger? I lived a life of anger for 40 years, give or take. I didn't know that was what I was doing but at 46 years of age I began to realize one day that I was a very angry man. I didn't beat my wife or daughter, but there were times when my anger was verbalized on them. The little customer service gal at the bank felt it, as did the guy that cut me off in traffic. You get the picture. Every one was abusing me and I was angry.

After a couple years of individual and group therapy I can say that things are much better. The anger doesn't flair up near as often, nor do I cry as much. I have a much better balanced view of myself and my place in the world. It feels good most of the time, although I still have those uncomfortable moments.

One of the things Little you needs to learn to understand is that as a child it WAS NOT your fault. You did NOTHING wrong. You were NOT guilty. That guilt belongs to the one who abused you, and perhaps to the adults in your life that swept it under the rug or were too involved in their own lives to know or care how badly you were hurting.

Now What? You can have a better life if you are willing to be honest with yourself and do the hard work it takes to make it happen. I sense a lot of determination in your post. It took a lot of courage to post all that, and it was not a waste of your or our time. It was a good thing for you to do. Again, it was and excellent step in the right direction.

I wish you wisdom, peace, and courage. You're among friends here.


Your post brings up so many issues, and in fact they more or less summarize what a lot of survivors go through and how they feel as they try to cope with everyday life. There is no way to answer everything here, but I want to jump on one particular point you raised:

How the HELL did i let things get here and how do i make it right?
In a way you are taking on a lot of blame that does not belong to you, but rather to those who hurt you. Once you start working on your issues you will see how incredibly complicated everything can get and how answers to your questions begin to appear all over the place. Please remember that you are NOT alone, and that for your abuse as a child you are NOT responsible. You had a right to be protected.

The answer to your question of why you didn't deal with things before now is simply this: You were not ready. None of us can take on the task of coping with our abuse history until we are emotionally ready to accept that we need help, ask for that help and trust those to whom we address ourselves. We are all different people, so the pace at which we do things and the issues we have to confront differ enormously.

I'm glad Google dropped you here - I found this place the same way. Look around and get used to things, and you will find that you are safe and believed here. Just get into things at a pace with which you are comfortable, and we will all be here for you.

Much love,
Thank you. Of course i become inspired to a fit of activity on a Sunday when there's nothing i can do about it! i am trying to steel myself for tomrrow, which is my daughter's birthday, and i *know* i'm not going to be able to see her but i can't stop hoping. I think i'm starting to really hate hoping. I know there's lots of things wrong with that, i'm just sayin' it cause it's true.

More importantly, i am preparing myself for something i know i can do well: use the disappointment and the depression to NOT take action tomorrow, not seek support, give in, give up, just go to work and go home and forget i was trying to actually get something done. It's taken me well over a decade to see this is how i react to disappointment: use it to not try something hard. It's not a pleasant revelation but a useful one.

What i am trying to bring out of this is this: in such a state of misery and uselessness, i've held up the idea of my daughter as the only reason i'm alive, the only reason to make an effort. That's not, uh, terribly sustainable. It was quite a shock.

But oh, it was so, so easy! And so perfect! I am amazed at the capacity of the human mind. I am not worth anything. I don't deserve anything. But i need to go to work and pay bills and not fail utterly... aha! My daughter! I'm not doing anything for me, it's all for her. Now i can try.

Now i'm facing the truth of it, that i must do things for me because i want to.


That this is NOT a betrayal of my daughter, it's actually the only way i'll ever be of any use to her in fact, and that hanging my whole life on her sets us both up for a real bad time.

i still don't feel like i deserve anything. fortunately i'm not so completely oblivious as to think that realizing something, and fixing it, are the same thing :D .
Keep thinking and working on it, Bro. Sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders to reason this stuff through. When all is said and done it is up to each individual to take the kind of responsibility you seem to be taking for their lives.

If we can help you through the process in any way please post it here or send any one of ua a private message (PM). We don't claim to be experts at all, but we know where you are, 'cause we are or have been there ourselves. Bottom line with this place? YOU are NOT ALONE!

Take Care Bro,


Interesting choice in a board name ... while it may feel like wandering your posts tell me you are on a journey to a better place. Coming here and sharing is another part of the journey. And as for your post ... it made all the sense in the world ...

My abuse was by babysitters as well one of them a cousin around 4 and 5, so your post hits home. As for anger ... its been a long time friend, nuisance, and destructive power. I'm better at dealing with it, especially now that I look at and actually feel the other feelings behind my anger.

Wandering, My first abuse was by a babysitter for a prolonged time as well...

I can read in the post something that I have struggled with and that is "finding my worth."

It has only been recently that I have found that my worth is not in what I can do, or in looks, or even in how others treat me... I have come to love myself. I used to look in the mirror and continue the cursing that others so willingly inflicted on me... I would call myself every name in the book, make fun of my looks, and feed on my self loathing... That was so fruitless - I was destroying my self image.

Now, I can look in the mirror and know that I am valuable - I am a person. I am not a play thing, a piece of Sh**, or anything to be devalued any longer.

Wandering - you are valuable - you are precious - you are an awesome man - you are worthy -

If you can't treat yourself as valuable, no one else will either.

This is new for me - I have had to make a decision and stick to it... now I really like who I am and I really love who I am. I am valuable.

So are YOU,
PS: Welcome to the sight! There are a lot of great guys here! It helps a lot...

I think depression can make recovery from CSA so much more difficult by magnifying our sense of aimlessness and worthlessness - things just don't seem to matter. Are you under effective treatment for that? Different people react differently to the various medications that are available, but once you get on the right meds it does make a huge difference - or at least it has for me.

On dealing with the rest, yes, it's difficult, but I find that what works for me is trying to focus on reasonable steps. Ambitious jumps that I haven't prepared for can so easily fail, then there are the bad vibes from the setback to add to everything else.

Much love,

i was misdiagnosed with depression and/or anxiety on and off for years, which didn't help matters. i have grown a pretty deep mistrust of the medical profession in general over the years - one good friend of mine, suffering from anxiety, they decided was depressed and proscribed amphetamines, JUST the thing for someone subject to panic attacks, ugh - but with my new job, i will shortly have medical coverage again, thank G-d. i intend to carefully approach the subject of a therapist of some kind and see what my options are.

always before someone referred me to this person or i was sent to that person and i just showed up because i was told to... i didn't know, or pick, or trust these people. i want to take some control over it this time around. no, unfortunately i'm not currently being treated for anything, and while my auditory hallucinations are not severe, they've gotten worse in times of stress lately.

it's weird finally being aware of these things as just symptoms, just misfirings in the brain, but still being subject to them! it still scares me when i think about it - the words are so large and so charged - people say "i'm depressed" all the time, when they mean sad, and people who ARE depressed clincally tend to be pretty misunderstood, but i can't even think the word "schizophrenia" to myself without a feeling of unreality and dread. i'm scared. this can't be my life, this is some horrible story i'm reading, but here i am. i feel so strange.

I'm sorry to hear that things haven't worked out for you in getting help for this problem. It's difficult enough to face all this in the first place, and if it's badly handled that just makes matters worse.

All the things you just said above are exactly what your medical advisors need to hear. Don't keep these feelings bottled up. Talking about them is a good way to begin to deal with them.

And it's okay to be scared bro. Let us know how things develop and we will try to support you any way we can.

Much love,
[generic trigger warning, i suppose]

Well, here goes. An in interminable amount of paperwork later, i am going to soon be "Covered." What a silly simple word that means the difference between getting to a healthy life or suffering in silence for millions of people who can't afford to just walk into a doctor's office and say "help!"

I am now utterly lost as to what i should even say i am looking for. er... any suggestions? Do i start with some generic therapist my insurance pays for and ask for a referral? one large relief is that my employers are emphatically NOT facist lunatics who will raise eyebrows at my using insurance to see a headshrinker straight off, unlike the last place i worked, so that's a huge relief.

i'm drained. taking action of any kind is like running a marathon to me. i had to make arrangements for a funeral once, just a few years ago that seems like another lifetime, when no one else could and all i wanted to do was curl up in a ball and vanish. i did a real halfassed job of it... sorry to ramble but this has been on my mind a lot for years and i need to find a way to put it right...

Ok, abrupt shift, but... there isn't even a marker. i have tried several times going, when i can find the place, right to the cemetary but no one is ever there when i do. i don't even know where to begin. aargh... this is something i need to put right, and soon, one more thing i need to correct before i'll feel able to move on with my life, i know, and for her as well. um.

i could track down the funeral home's name somewhere, i think, does anyone know if that would work? do they keep records???