New Member Introduction (Triggers?)

New Member Introduction (Triggers?)


I found this forum today, registered and thought I should introduce myself. My name is Doug and I am 34 years old. I have survived and now I'm beginning the long arduous process of recovering. I was raped the first time at the age of 7 or 8 by a male neighbor who was in his early teens. Mike continued to rape, sodomize, and sexually abuse me until the age of 10 when we moved to a different state. My first disclosure of this abuse was in my first drug/alcohol rehab, at age 16. It helped some but I continued to be confused about my emotions, my sexual identity, and how to live in this world. I did rehab again at 19 and did some more specific abuse counseling while I was there. I struggled immensely with the belief that I was at fault, that I would be turned gay, and that I was never going to get over what happened to me. I drifted in and out of sobriety, left my family and ended up alone in Portland OR in 1992. I tried to make a new start here, and have managed to make this my home. I started a career, made friends, got into a relationship and became a father by 1996. That brought the pain on like nothing ever had before. Here was this perfect, innocent little boy who came into this world needing me love him and needing to love me. I didn't deal well with that - in fact I ran away from him and the relationship in as many ways as I could. I survived several hardcore drug relapses and suicide attempts and finally sobered up again in 2000. Though the relationship with his mom was over, I did my best to his Father. My Son's mom began to struggle with her drug abuse soon after and 1 year later I was awarded temporary protective custody. Six months and a bloody lawyer battle later, I was award permanent physical custody of my then 5 year old Son. I got into the current relationship with my fiance at about the same time. We moved in together in 2002 and bought our first house last year. My career continued to go very well, I started my Son in kindergarten, and tried my god-damned-est to pursue a normal life. But the memories and effects of the abuse would not relent. I was distant and disconnected from my Son and my fiance. I was depressed, full of rage, self-doubt, and shame. Through a relationship counselor we began to see in August I started to wade back into the effects and details of the abuse. It turns out not only was I a survivor of sexual abuse, so was my fiance AND my counselor. I stumbled into the reality of how much pain and loss I still carried late last year, about the same time my fiance began her own recovery. I've been to SIA a few times and that was a big step. I've never sat in a room face to face with a group of people who get it. Painful but relieving. Currently, I'm diggin deeper into the effects of being abused. The fear, the shame, the rage at my abuser for doing it and at god for letting it happen. I'm beginning to write about what I've carried inside me for so long. I'm beginning to see how my way of coping with the trauma of my childhood is damaging to me and those around me. I'm going to begin looking into a male survivor group and possibly a weekend retreat. I want so badly to know myself as I really am, good, bad, or indifferent. I want to love and be able to be loved by my family. I want to reclaim the innocence and beauty of my childhood so I can truly experience what Fatherhood can be.
So that's my journey so far in abridged form. I've been moved in many ways by the experiences all of you have shared on this forum. They are painful and sometimes terrifying to read, but they all remind me I AM NOT ALONE and THERE IS HOPE. I look forward to getting to know all of you further.

Welcome though I wish you did not have the need to find such a site.

It takes courage to reach out for help and I congratulate you on that step.

Here you will find support, understanding and unconditional caring. Because we are truly a band of brothers, sadly brought together through our own experiences. But the strength you will find here will amaze you. As well as the unwavering support.

Having just started this journey myself a couple of months ago, I can say that finding a therapist who specializes in male sexual abuse is a good idea. So is the support group if you can find one in your area.

We are always here for you, Doug.



You are a very brave soul to go through all that. You have a spirit that will never be defeated. None of us wanted to be abused. But we were. None of us wanted to be alone. Now, we are not.

I have been to SIA as well; in fact, I was there today. I have felt the acceptance of the other survivors and the sure knowledge that they do know what I mean when I talk about how sexual abuse affected me.

This is a fantastic community here at MaleSurvivor. And it is available whenever I can get online. I have spent time just reading old posts, even posts from before I ever got here. In so doing I have learned that the trials in my life today are not insurmountable. They are the same things that others have overcome.

If I could hand you any one thing that I have received from my time here, I would like to pass on hope. It does get better.


Welcome Doug.

Glad that you are finally addressing the issues that have caused you difficulties all these years. You are a stong man. Sorry that this happened, but glad you are taking care of it. Sounds like you have been moving in the right direction. Keep it up.

Take Care,
Welcome Doug. We will all be glad to help you with this journey.
Welcome Doug,

I'm happy you found this site. I found it about a month and half ago. I too, first started to reveal my abuse once I got off drugs and alcohol. I guess in a way, sobriety allowed me to face up to what happened to me.

I think you'll find that everyone here has something to share and has been through a similar situation or at least had the same after effects after the abuse as you did.

Welcome Doug, come back often. Everyone here is rooting for you. We're on your side.

Take it easy.

I am so sorry to hear your story! The pain and anguish, the confusion and anger, the family struggles and so on.


PLEAE do not ever forget that! I think we ALL need to listen to this more often.

So, welcome , brother, I look forward to getting to know you and watching you get stronger and healthier!


Doug, welcome to the site. The retreats are great and this site is wonderful for when you can't be face tot face with people who get it.

welcome. i could have written many parts of your story. i know the pain this can cause, and sorry that you have to recover from it. this place helped me a lot, helps me a lot. i hope you find the support and understanding you need.
Welcome Doug! It is sad that you were betrayed and violated at all, but at such a young age makes it all the more pathetic.

Your post is one I see as positive. You have been through hell many times over, but you did not surrender and you have made a life for yourself that others are still working to have. I think you must be a really fine father just as you are.

Learning about the effects of childhood sexual abuse is at the least very enlightening. We experience either no emotion at all because we have frozen up, OR we experience all sorts of emotions, sometimes many at the same time. It takes a lot of patience and determination to work through this stuff. But you have shown that you have those qualities already.

I am a recovering alcoholic so I understand the pull to use in order to get some release from the pain, even if it is short term. Staying clean and sober is a two edged sword. We are more aware of the stupid things we have done and sometimes even of the harm we have done. But it is also good to be able to think clearly so we can give our very best in getting well.

Doug, for me, breaking the silence about it was the best thing I did. Fact is though, that I broke the silence to people who had closed ears at times. But if you find a great friend, a good therapist, and fellow survivors who understand and accept you--well, that is really the begining of a new life. I found that here several years ago.

Therapy was great for me and I am in a group malesurvivor therapy today. I have one on one therapy with the group therapist. I look forward to therapy now. In the early days I did not always look forward to it. When we start to dig into some things that get raw again, it is easy to want to back off. I was never able to back off, but I wanted to at times.

Reading here contniues to help me. Reading books was and is a great help to me. I especially found understanding of myself in the book BETRAYED AS BOYS by Richard Gartner Ph D. He is our past president and a therapist. I found lots of good things in other books. But that one was life changing for me.

I look forward to getting to know you better and to learn from you. You have a lot to offer here. Your first post is itself a gift to us. Thank you for trusting us with that.

Best of everything to you, your fiance and your Son--who I believe is a lucky little boy. Keep him safe, and enjoy watching him grow.

Peace to you friend.

Hi Doug,

Let me add my personal welcome and "ditto" to all the thoughts and feelings that the other guys have already shared with you.

As you take the protective coating off of your feelings and memories, know that we're here to provide some soothing relief so that you can continue the work to get back what is your right to have...a happy, healthy and loving life.

See you around!!

Doug I echo what all the others have said. Your last sentence is what we are all about. You are no longer alone. You have just become a member of a brotherhood of the best bunch of guys in the world it has ever been my privilege to be a part of.
welcome from me as well. we are not alone. we have been through a lot of b.s. for sure.

my daughter (4 years old now) is my motivating force for me to work on my healing. plus being tired of having shitty and hurtful relationships.

i,too, dito what the others have said.

i just started working on my s.a. after 31 years about a month and a half ago. gee, what took me so long?, i hid it, repressed it, thought i was strong, all the b.s. many of us have done.

i am now in to this process. not real rewarding at times, hurtful at other times, and i do derive some peace from it at other times.

thank god, we have our friends and brothers here to help us along.

welcome again, peace, guy
Doug - welcome to this site. I am also in the recovery process for the first time (Dec 18th 2003 I started) - I was abused in the late summer of 1969.

One thing that I have found here is a restored faith in human nature. We all have good and bad times. I have found that by coming here and receiving support. I am now more able to tell friends that have known me for some time about what happened to me - I am gaining even more support by being able to do that.

I had 'my dirty little secret' for far too long - this site and the good people here are helping me to loose it. It's hard work, but we can all make positive progress - please believe that.

Best wishes ...Rik