New Job / New Life

New Job / New Life

Gary - CDN

Just thought i would share a little joy.

It has been almost a week now and with a simple job move, I feel I have regained control of my life. Up until last Tuesday I was working in what I would call a Toxic environment. The organization was in the middle of change and with the new management came one individual whose actions provided such extreme stress in my life, I eventually broke down mentally, called the companys Employment Assistance Program, talked to a crisis counselor, admitted I was abused as a young child, and arranged for some long term counseling. The tough part in all this however, has been the work environment. The stress never let up and over the last 2 years I feel I have walked through hell. The ups and downs have been extremes and numerous times during these last few years I have hit new lows as I fought off bouts of deep despair / depression.
Then came a breakthrough. After a lot of searching a new job finally appeared and even with just accepting the position, I felt relief. Its been a week away from that ugly place and I feel like my life is re-born and I am back in control. I have started my exercise regimen again, I sleep better, I am focused at work and for the first time in my life I am looking at spirituality in a new light. My counselor also has me looking at some group work in addition to the individual sessions I have having for over a year.

Its a lot of changes to handle, but I finally have a sense of peace and the feeling that I am on the right track. I know there is still a lot of work to do and many lingering childhood issues to address, but I am ready for the next leg of my journey.

Always keeping a good thought,

Great news Gary. It's good to hear it.

Thanks for the sharing the good stuff. That's something I don't do very often, so thanks for the reminder.


Thanks for the Good News! I am glad that you have a new job and that it has given you such peace and happiness. That's what all jobs should be. Keep working with your T and in your groups. I am glad you have found renewed light in your spirituality. Best regards, Jess.
That is incredible. It is realay great to hear sucess stories. It bolsters eveyone here.

Sometimes the grass is greener in some other pasture.

Of course we've still got to do the work in whatever pasture we're in.

But at least you're not working in toxic grasses
(or should I say with toxic asses?!) anymore.

You can breathe easier on that next leg of your journey up Recovery Road.

I'm glad for you Gary! WTG! Thanks for sharing your encouraging experience with us! TC. :cool:

Gary Great news now you can move forward with you life and healing. I know the work you did with me on our letter pushed you over the edge and it's been a long 4 months of hell to get to this spot . Our letter helped lots of victims come forward to end their silence. Now I am using our letter to educate the members of the MN Legislature on the evil of childhood Sexual Abuse. All 201 members will get a copy of our letter so they can begin to understand the enormity of the evil and how profoundly it affect the victims of SA. Thanks Gary your work will help many understand our world. Muldoon
I want to thank you all for your responses.

Finding this group (and the forum) has been a blessing and I am thankful. As I move along in my journey, its nice to know there is a place we all can call home. There is no judgment and all that is required is a willingness to open up and let your feeling be known. This is so important for the new guys who have joined since the first big shock you get in recovery after you finally break the silence is that you are not alone in your experiences. There is a brotherhood here that has been down the same path, understands your pain and is willing to help. As you move along in your journey you will also find great satisfaction in participating in the group, making friends and hopefully providing advice for another member.

As for myself, its time to get back to work with Muldoon and kick some butt in Minnesota.

Thanks again for the inspiration and support.

Hi Gary.
Mike Church here from down the road in Mississauga. It is really great to hear your news. We have not met before but I can relate to your issues. Healing is a step at a time with lots of help from those you count on. I have been in touch with the Secretary of this organization and cannot believe that there is virtually nothing for guys like us like there is all over the US and in Vancouver. ive me a shout. Check my other posts and you will learn everything about me. I have no secrets. It is nice to hear of your sucesses.