new home page - problems ?

new home page - problems ?


Is anyone having problems getting in past the new home page ?
I know I am, and Mike is as well.

I've tried Netscape, Explorer and AOL browsers and a lot of the links are missing or dead.

Let us know if there are problems please.

I've had the same problem. There are no links at all to the survivor areas.
Go to the Site Map--I found that worked just fine.

Okay all seems to be well now...just getting through some upgrading.

Please remember to please notify the webmaster when you find that thier is a problem with our links. Thanks, Mark
I'm out of town visiting my family in Odessa, TX.........I've got lots of problems just being here. And the problems I had getting into the MaleSurvivor site this morning seemed almost more than I could bear. Thank God, I was able to reach out to a good buddy of mine who listened and talked and got me somewhat sane again.

Thanks, buddy! You know who you are. I love you like a brother loves his best brother!

On an unfamiliar computer, very slow internet service and hometown stress growing, I had a lot of difficulty getting to the discussion board.

I got to another computer with DSL service, and now seem to be able to get to the places I need to without much trouble. Wonder if the new site is less friendly to slower download times?

It's a real life saver for me right now. I'm surprised (once again) by how much I am affected by being here. I've cried this morning, wanted to smoke, have anonymous sex and have thought what this place would look like while a nuclear bomb was falling on it. Then imagined what it would be like if I were dead.

So I guess I'm having some things triggered by my trip home, huh?

I'm REALLY glad to be able to get to this site. Much better now with more speed.........

I do like the new look and the new motto.......

A struggling survivor, but surviving nonetheless,
No, it's still the same with me - and the site map is a dead link for me.

I have to wander through about 4 or 5 different working links to get here at all.

And as much as I hate to critisize someones hard work - the drop downs are very small and I can hardly read them.

Hi Lloydy,

Try refreshing your browser. I've checked the site with IE (Win & Mac), Safari. Everything seems to be working.

The new home page works fine with me. I would panic as you did if I couldn't get to the site. I need to read your latest posts. They have become very important to me.

I thought that you should know.

I haven't posted the last week or two because I am having a hard time getting focused enough to post. My T is on vacation. However, reading your posts has been a big help.

Yes, success at last. It's all working.

And very good it looks too.

Go to "Site Map" then "Miscellaneous" and have a look at the list of articles, it's very impressive.
After a quick look around it appears there's a whole lot of new stuff there.
Someone's been hard at work, again.

Thanks for your patience.

Dave :D
Yes, a big thank you to all who have worked so hard on the new look of our web site. It looks and is now working great.

I survived yesterday with the help of MaleSurvivor and my friends here. I keep forgetting that I am changing as a result of the work that I'm doing and the progress I'm making in recovering from the effects of sexual abuse.

Much like the web site is changing as a result of all the hard work the admin team puts into it.

So, when I come into a formerly familiar situation, like my hometown, I discover that things have changed inside of me and I no longer react as I have in the past. Much like the buttons on the web site don't respond like they used to.

In any case, I'm really grateful for everyone who makes such great efforts to keep this lifeline open for me.

Green, thanks for the kind words. They help me a lot. I'm feeling better. The sun is out and I'm getting ready to go back to Austin, my home.

I haven't had any anonymous sex, smoked, drank or did drugs. And even managed to enjoy myself and be helpful to my brother who lives in the nursing home here. He was my reason for coming and I've done what I set out to do for him.

Gee I wonder if my internet connection speed has improved or if my attitude and connection to recovery is what has improved?

I'll take it no matter what. And I'm grateful today.

Thanks, guys.

Your brother,
Originally posted by brian-z:
It was the layout more than anything.
I've also found the new home page layout disappointing. It's impossible to get to the discussion boards except through the site map. Someone who has never been here before and who is feeling scared and/or stressed will probably have a hard time finding the boards, if he finds them at all. I'm sorry to be so critical because I know someone worked really hard on this, but I'm sure the home page designer wants his design to be the best it can be. :D

I too had trouble finding things with this new layout. I find this layout confusing and difficult to use.

Mary, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, there are links to the discussion board and chat room. I missed them the first couple of visits.


Thanks. I found it. :)

was anybody else having problems with Internet Explorer during all this? I was having problems and decided to download netscape nav., but the IE problems seems to have fixed themselves spontaneously. I went to their site and found no mention of problems, but some of the posts here made me think it might have been an IE plm.