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I'm not exactly sure where to begin...
I'm a 24 year old college student and for the longest time I've been living with an assorment of problems ranging from depression, drug problems, sexual/pornography problems, intamcy issues, problems with food, etc etc

About a year ago I decided to try to turn my life around, I started to stop doing all of the things that I do that were self destructive. I stopped doing drugs, stopped compulsivly looking at porn, started working hard in school, and had a generally imnproved outlook on my life.

It was really difficult for me, because there were some things, like sexual urges, that I felt I had to supress, I couln't figure out why I was doing certain things, but I knew that they were bad, so I forced myself to stop.

So I thought I was doing ok, except for I still had problems with food, I would starve myself, then binge, then feel guilty. I realized that there was something holding me back, yet I couldn't figure out exactly what.

Then, last week it hit me...I was sexually abused as a child. I have no memories, but everything in my life points to it. I went to a bookstore and looked at books about child abuse and started crying. I got home and cried in bed until I went to sleep, and when I woke up, I cried some more.

Looking back, I'm pretty sure it happened when I was 6, we had a neighbor, an old man who I used to visit by myself. We had moved to a new town and I didn't have any friends. I remember having intense problems as a child, I had nightmares, horrible tantrums, and a couple of times I tried to violently attack my sister, thank God I was never successful. My family always thought that I was having problems adjusting to the new town and school. When I've looked back on it, I always figured that too. But now I realize that it was probably something much worse.

A couple of nights ago I had trouble sleeping, and i began to have some flashbacks...though they were really hazy, i'm not sure if they were real or not.

crying feels good, acknowledging that this may have happened to me feels good. But on the other hand I hate that this is such a slow process, I really want to get it over with. I'm tired of hiding from this, i'm tired of not being able to love or be loved, and i want to live a normal life. I realized that everything I ever thought about love and sex stems from this abuse. i hate what it did to me, and how i always felt that everything is my fault, that there was something wrong with me...

I'm starting therapy in a couple of weeks, though I wish it were sooner. My family has been more or less supportive, though one of my siblings suggested to me that since i don't remember, that I might be making it up, which really messed with me at the time. On the other hand, I've been reading some of the other posts where victims have been called outright liars by their families, I think I should consider myself lucky in that regard.

anyways, i just wanted to get this all out, thank you for listening...
Welcome aboard Matt...don't worry about those memories, they will come when you are ready.

Welcome! Glad you found us, but jeez, I'm sorry you needed to. Like Nobs says, don't worry about those memories. Go to the therapy sessions (you might want to read the material linked here on selecting a therapist ), interact here, tell you story. The memories will come in their own time.

Take your time getting used to this stuff. Unfortunately, as most of us have discovered, recovery doesn't happen over night and then you're done. It's not a one time event, but a chosen path toward a destination. Some of us have been on it for a while, others are just starting out.

One of the most important things to remember in all of this, is that the abuse wasn't your fault. You were an innocent child who had no way of escaping the "power trap" the abuser held you in.

Remember too, that you worth beginning the journey and seeing it through.

Lots of love,

Welcome Matt and like John says, "sorry you need to be here." I was abused by a neighbor at that same age although he was much younger then your neighbor. Just keep talking, more is bound to come up. Again, welcome!


I am so glad youve found this site and all of us, sadly because you needed to but gladly as I found a few sites before this one and I have to say that MS has been my lifeline!

Matt, for a first time poster you have contributed with much honesty and in such strength. I want to thank you for that and as you were able to share so much through realisation I want to encourage you that you have already seen so much of the impact that this has had on your life. I have to tell you that realising the impact and the areas of your life that have been distorted because of this abuse is a huge thing. Many of us, myself included, take much time to work through these issues.

Its also great that youve gotten into reading some books about childhood sexual abuse. Again, a big step for any survivor to take. Well done.

Matt, youve leapt in guns blazing, heart open and mind willing. Im sure you will continue to make great progress and recovery and please know that even this first contribution is building on the strength of us guys here and adding to it.

Welcome, and I look forward to getting to know you more.
Thank you so much for your supportive messages, I know I have a long road of healing ahead of me, but I'll always know that I am not alone.
Welcome to the road of healing Mattr27. Glad to have you on the journey with us to the place of healing and joy.
Matt welcome to MS it is a good place to start your healing. Tom