New here

New here


Hi everyone, i'm new, hoping to talk soon.
Hi Trevor,

Take your time, look around, and make yourself at home.

Hope we can help.

Welcome aboard.
No Rush to talk here. Lots of great reading and healing guys here that can help on your healing journay.

No Rush to tell your story all at once also. Read all the post and one will make you want to write. Tom
hi curtis, hi tom, thanks for replying, its cool to talk to ppl here and not face to face! whenever i go to therapy i just pull my hat down like almost over my eyes so i can't see her looking at me lol
ya i read some things here and made some replys but i think i sound pretty stupid compared to some of the stuff i'm reading here. oh well, so long as i get a point across i guess it doesnt matter how i say it, does it? lol plus as long as i feel stupid im in one of my comfort zones (thats what my therapist says sometimes)
thanks again its nice to meet u both

Welcome Trevor. You don't sound stupid. One thing I've learned is I can pretty much say whatever I want here and somebody will understand.

ya dale so far it seems that way. thanks for
saying i dont sound stupid
If you ever need the vent the people here are happy to hear you out. Sometimes its easier when it's not face to face.

Welcome! I don't think you sound stupid at all, but I know what you are saying about it being your comfort zone. I always felt that way. Felt like I could never do anything right. I've learned that isn't true, and I have a hunch if you stick around with us and with your therapist, you may discover the same thing.

Every person is valuable and has so much good stuff to contribute to society. That includes you and me, My Friend.

Stick around and get comfortable here, K?


I'm glad you found this site. I don't think you're stupid either. You had some very negative things thrown your way and now you want to get rid of them. That's pretty smart if you ask me. Please don't be ashamed to write about your feelings even if they make no sense at all. The effects of CSA can be very difficult to see.

I wish you the best and remember that you are not alone.

Welcome aboard Trevor, if you're looking for answers, you can find at least some of them here. The experience of recovery from the older members here is routinely passed down from one person to the next. We're all here to help eachother.
thanks everyone, this is really nice
kind of making me paranoid, but nice

Why paranoid? Not trying to push here. Just wondering.

cuz i never talk about it and i dont
really know who im talking to on here, for
all i know you or anyone here could
be one of my stepbro's friends just
trying to F with me u know?
and im just paranoid anyways, i dont trust
anybody, always looking over my shoulder
it sucks


I know that feeling of paranoia you speak of. I used to try to figure out who on this board was a fake. It gets better in time, I can't think of anybody here that even comes close to making me think that they are some perp trying to continue the abuse here.

Hang in there friend, you are worth it.


as long as i feel stupid im in one of my comfort zones
Can I take that as a joke? ;) Seriously, no one here will think you are stupid; you will be understood and respected here.

I can well understand you would have trust problems coming to Male Survivor. That's okay. Just respect your feelings of caution and get to know people. We all know that trust has to be earned.

Much love,
yeah sure you can take it as a joke, i did when my dumbass therapist said it!
thanks larry

Oops. Sorry if I jerked your chain bro. It does seem an odd thing to say to a client!

Much love,
nah it was cuz she was asking me something that i knew the answer too but i just kept saying "i dunno, i dunno, i dunno" so she said something like ah i see ur in a comfort zone... or some shit like that...